A interesting website


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Nov 4, 2005
So. Cal
Here is a website that i thought everyone should check out, especially guys that argue for 9/11 conspiracy, I know this site or any of the links on this site will not change the minds of those that truly believe the govt is out to kill us all for oil money, but you guys post conspiracy videos all the time so i figure this would give the anti conspiracy a fair shake

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Say Parlay
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Dec 6, 2001
Kansas City area for who knows how long....
Thanks for the link--it does make the good point about leaks and holding secrets.
Washington DC is like a sieve when it comes to leaks. Thus, the notion that 500-1000 folks who participated in the most horrific crime ever committed
against fellow Americans, killing thousands, and not one of them, not one, has peeped a word with any evidence is absolutely absurd! These conspiracy folks
oughtta just try to put together a simple suprise birthday party to see how difficult it is to keep a secret.

Besides, the conspiracy case alledges a structural collapse due to controlled demolishion. Have many structural engineers have
stood up and seriously question the standard interpretation? Can you find me even one, even in Thailand? Hundreds around the globe have
written papers on it (some even on building 7).

Has anybody gotten a controlled demolishion expert respond to these assertions with anything other than a belly laugh? The scenario is so screamingly implausible from their prespective, it's hard to get even a single serious response outta them.

No, these conspiracy believers listen to wacko BYU physicists, hollywood actors, a talkshow radio nutter from Austin making a nice income on
his videos, german politicials, fraudlulent "MIT professors", a so-called whistleblower just spreading innuendo and such other "experts"---but I don't suppose they go to their dentist for cement work, or their mechanics for the annual physical. What they do need is new batteries in their bullsh#t meter. Or perhaps a less laughable faith...
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danmurphy jr

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Sep 14, 2004
Let's see:
19 arabs with box cutting tools, their movements tracked on every TV screen in the logan airport, brought down 2 skyscrapers, crashed another jumbo-jet into the pentagon without leaving any evidence and a passenger with a million dollar phrase "lets roll"(which some one tried to copyright) helped crash a plane into a PA field, flying away from DC. Not that one? How about,
23 bombers Mr Boosh saved us from who had no bombs, no passports, no tickets, no nothing. Not that one either. How about a street gang of Blacks on their way to bomb the Sears Tower in Chicago. Oh wait, they are in Fla and none of them had A/busfare, money or bombs. One of the "BOMBERS" actually counted to 10 when the FBI let him take his shoes off.
Now they won't look so stupid when they're shaking the bomb out of the naked lady's baby. Can we get more gullible?
Signed: Barefoot and Pregnant in Padduca


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Nov 4, 2005
So. Cal
Good point terry ray,

I was very interested when I came across this site, the link at the bottom actually that goes step by step through the lose change video debunking every blatant lie that gullible posters around here swallow blindly and then call the ones who doubt it "sheep" or "neocons"

I was just curious as to what beertime, maverick, dblmutz, spursd, happyhippo, yyz, moe and others that have been debating on the "hoax" side thought of this website, or if you find any of what the guy says of the loose change video true.

If nothing else i thought it was interesting to see the kid who actually peiced the the video together.
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Oct 29, 2005
Long Beach, California
regarding the popular mechanics link:


The article's approach is to identify and attack a series of claims which it asserts represent the whole of 9/11 skepticism. It gives the false impression that these claims, several of which are clearly absurd, represent the breadth of challenges to the official account of the flights, the World Trade Center attack, and the Pentagon attack. Meanwhile it entirely ignores vast bodies of evidence showing that only insiders had the means, motive, and opportunity to carry out the attack.

The article gives no hint of the put options on the targeted airlines, warnings received by government and corporate officials, complicit behavior by top officials, obstruction of justice by a much larger group, or obvious frauds in the official story. Instead it attacks a mere 16 claims of its choosing, which it asserts are the "most prevalent" among "conspiracy theorists." The claims are grouped into topics which cover some of the subjects central to the analysis of 9-11 Research. However, for each topic, the article presents specious claims to divert the reader from understanding the issue. For example, the three pages devoted to attacking the Twin Towers' demolition present three red-herring claims and avoid the dozens of points I feature in my presentations, such as the Twin Towers' Demolition.

The article brackets its distortion of the issues highlighted by 9/11 skeptics with smears against the skeptics themselves, whom it dehumanizes and accuses of "disgracing the memories" of the victims.

More important, it misrepresents skeptics' views by implying that the skeptics' community is an undifferentiated "army" that wholly embraces the article's sixteen "poisonous claims," which it asserts are "at the root of virtually every 9/11 alternative scenario." In fact much of the 9/11 truth community has been working to expose many of these claims as disinformation. "


Go Pokes!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2003
Let's see:
19 arabs with box cutting tools, their movements tracked on every TV screen in the logan airport, brought down 2 skyscrapers, crashed another jumbo-jet into the pentagon without leaving any evidence and a passenger with a million dollar phrase "lets roll"

Yea I think it happened that way. Cmon you can not really believe the government crashed those planes into the buildings. Are you really that brainwashed. I can see where there may be some doubt about what hit the pentagon. But you have got to be kidding me. You are hilarious if you think the our government did it on purpose. That is just plain stupid.


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
I was just curious as to what beertime, maverick, dblmutz, spursd, happyhippo, yyz, moe and others that have been debating on the "hoax" side thought of this website, or if you find any of what the guy says of the loose change video true.

What more do you want me to say?

I guess until we can build another tower, and set it ablaze......the debate will rage on between the nuts, and those in the know.

Terryray asks:

"Besides, the conspiracy case alledges a structural collapse due to controlled demolishion. Have(How) many structural engineers have
stood up and seriously question the standard interpretation?.....Has anybody gotten a controlled demolishion expert respond to these assertions with anything other than a belly laugh? The scenario is so screamingly implausible from their prespective, it's hard to get even a single serious response outta them."

Why would they? To face public ridicule? Be laughingstocks of their trades, and drummed out of their respective lines of work, by "those in the know"? Come on, man. Even if you don't stand on my side of the aisle......you know there are others out there who do, and they aren't all "nuts".

How many cops come forward about bad cops? They can't! Not exactly the same scenario, but you get my drift, and if some notable experts did, or have made their feelings known on this, "those in the know" would label them frauds anyway!

Guys, I know it all sounds like horse shit! I really hope it is!!!!! But I just can't say it is!!!! To me it's not that easy to stick my head in the sand.
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Nov 4, 2005
So. Cal
I was not referring to the popular mechanics article spursd, that link has been floating around the forums for awhile and i think smurphy or another member exposed that it had ties to an oil company or something,
but i was refering to the link below that, that debunks just about everything about the loose change video, and it talks about the wtc7 official report being released sometime this year, and it has some insight on the collapse, which i know was your biggest thing about the 9/11 attacks


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Nov 4, 2005
So. Cal
What more do you want me to say?

Guys, I know it all sounds like horse shit! I really hope it is!!!!! But I just can't say it is!!!! To me it's not that easy to stick my head in the sand.

What i dont get is,
by believing in a guy who gives multiple accounts from a lot of sources that are "in the know" as we like to say, i can only assume that means "those peope who have careers or alot of experience in what they are talking about" we are sticking our heads in the ground

but by believing a teenager with a mac and alot of free time that gives no reason why and has hundreds of lies and or exagerations you guys are the ones who know whats up. I just dont get it.


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Aug 22, 2000
What i dont get is,
by believing in a guy who gives multiple accounts from a lot of sources that are "in the know" as we like to say, i can only assume that means "those peope who have careers or alot of experience in what they are talking about" we are sticking our heads in the ground

but by believing a teenager with a mac and alot of free time that gives no reason why and has hundreds of lies and or exagerations you guys are the ones who know whats up. I just dont get it.

Its a simple eye opener for the naive people to start with. There is nothing but questions regarding the official story which is why this is happening.

If yer serious youll look up the shakedown in 2004 at popular mechanics and look who own the rag. 23 year old veteran replaced by James B Meigs as editor in chief who was nothing but a hollywood reporter until he signed on.

The fact is this shit is so deep most people dont get it since its not on american idol or whatever.

Its right in yer face and if yer afraid to face facts thats what they planned on.

Take the time to look into ALL of this before you make a half ass assumption.


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Oct 29, 2005
Long Beach, California
i took a look at that rebuttal of loose change wtc 7 part, but quotes aren't going to convince me. There are other sites, but the makers of the specific "loose change rebutall" failed to show convincing stuff. They criticize the makers (of loose change) when they used quotes, yet they try to use the same tactic?

and this:

"On June 20, 2005, NIST asserted in a press release that its report on 7 World Trade Center would be released "at a later date." [5]"

what a shock. get the public to not worry about it til time passes. Put the public in a state of assurance, eh? Where is the source saying WTC 7 report is out this year, btw?


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Stocks, you continue to misrepresent me.

Just because I don't believe whole heart-idly, the accepted popular theory as to why the towers went from plane....fire....one hour....and gone, don't lump me into buying everything that Loose Change sold, either.

That's part of the problem with guys like you, and guys I have this discussion with in the world. When I question this shit at work, I get the same response from a couple guys:

"You people will do anything to tear down the Bush Administration!"

I ask them wtf my questioning this has to do with the BA? I mean.....how does it go from asking questions, to hating Bush? But that's where some of these fukking people's heads are at!

You seem to be in the same mindset. A guy can't have some questions, without a hidden agenda!

I'm not a scholar on this subject, and I never claimed to be. I just know it never smelled right, and probably never will.

But I do know that there has never been a report of burning skyscrapers falling to the ground before that day, and lo and behold.......history was made not once......not twice.......but three times that September day! What do you think the ticket on that trifecta paid?

The only person who wouldn't have a question or two in their melon about that, is a child or a dope!

How old are you?


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Aug 22, 2000
stocks dont " QUITE GET IT IT " because hes a freakin close minded fook.

All this crap has been in state dept planning like 15 years ago and making adjustments for the the opportune impliment start.

now we got plastic bomb softdrinks etc but all these people dump all these "combinable chemicals" into a bi big trash can????

give me a ****in break.:nono:


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Nov 4, 2005
So. Cal
To reply to yyz i dont mean to represent you, ii def enjoy reading everything you write and agree with most of what you say in other matters than this. I never assumed that u have problem with bush adminstration, i just was replying to your quote saying that for those that dont agree with you, "we have our heads in the sand". And i said that i agree with alot of other people that were either there, or are engineers, or are historians and we are all the ones with our heads in the sand?

To spursd, i thought it said it would be out late 06, i could be wrong. I didnt think there was that much convincing stuff to convince someone who thinks wtc7 was a scam otherwise, but i thought there was a ton of informed quotes from authorities that were there. And i know there is not alot of info out there so i thought you would find it interesting.

And to beertime i think you are a waste of life that has never posted a useful post whether it is in handicapping, or in politics, or just in general. You have never responded to me without using swear words or insults to make your point. You think everything is a conspiracy, even this site. You accused jack of deleting your posts because they contained too much info. LOL I sh!t you not people,


to see for yourself. So pretty much, we will all continue to agree to disagree, you guys can have beertime, college kids that blatantly lie, and edited videos. I will take the engineers, the police and demo people that were there, and yes the govt and the authorities that conducted investigations on it. And i dont think any less of you if u are on the other side, just difference of seeing things and difference of opinion.


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Stocks, I work with a lot of "experts". I'm sure that whatever you do, you work with them as well. A lot of the experts I work with are dumb as shit.

We have doctors that I wonder how they even found their way to class, let alone got a fuking degree!

I just don't understand how everyone in the "conspiracy" videos is a washed up nut, or tech school dropout, but everyone in the government's tale is spinning gold thread? Do any of us know the credentials of any of these people? They could all be actors for all I know!

At the end of the day, it really doesn't make two shits of a damn what I think. The big wheel will keep right on turnin'...........

I've enjoyed the debate, guys.


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Jan 16, 2001
So pretty much, we will all continue to agree to disagree, you guys can have beertime, college kids that blatantly lie, and edited videos. I will take the engineers, the police and demo people that were there, and yes the govt and the authorities that conducted investigations on it. And i dont think any less of you if u are on the other side, just difference of seeing things and difference of opinion.

You do realize that you say......"and yes the govt and the authorities that conducted investigations on it."

These authorities that conducted your so called "investigation" have already came out and said they believed that the Pentagon's initial story of how it reacted to the 9/11 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public, according to sources involved in the debate.

Can you imagine having an investigation into 911 and having the authorities deliberately mislead you.............The pentagon?? why would they have to mislead anyone in the first place???

Of course if the "comission" was on the ball in the first place they would have brought this up at the time but they wanted nothing but to be a comission that didnt ruffle any feathers and finish all this real inquiry in a very timely and tidy fashion...........I guess the easy thing would have been to assign a truly "independent" commission to really look into things but that would have been far to easy when you can just put the people you want in place and have the investigation.

Heres the article.........

Published on Wednesday, August 2, 2006 by the Denver Post
Pentagon's Version of 9/11 Far from Truth, Panel Found
Some commission members wanted Justice Dept. probe

by Dan Eggen

WASHINGTON - Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon's initial story of how it reacted to the 9/11 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public, according to sources involved in the debate.

Suspicion of wrongdoing ran so deep that the 10-member commission, in a secret meeting at the end of its tenure in summer 2004, debated referring the matter to the Justice Department for criminal investigation, said several commission sources.

Staff members and some commissioners thought that e-mails and other evidence provided enough probable cause to believe that military and aviation officials violated the law by making false statements to Congress and to the commission, hoping to hide the bungled response to the hijackings, the sources said.

In the end, the panel agreed to a compromise, turning over the allegations to the inspectors general for the Defense and Transportation departments, who can make criminal referrals if they believe they are warranted, officials said.

"We to this day don't know why NORAD (the North American Aerospace Command) told us what they told us," said Thomas Kean, the former New Jersey Republican governor who led the commission. "It was just so far from the truth. ... It's one of those loose ends that never got tied."

Although the commission's landmark report made it clear that the Defense Department's early versions of events on Sept. 11 were inaccurate, the revelation that it considered criminal referrals reveals how skeptically those reports were viewed by the panel and provides a glimpse of the tension between it and the Bush administration.

A Pentagon spokesman said Tuesday that the inspector general's office would soon release a report addressing whether testimony delivered to the commission was "knowingly false."

A separate report, delivered secretly to Congress in May 2005, blamed inaccuracies in part on problems with the way the Defense Department kept its records, according to a summary released Tuesday.

For more than two years after the attacks, officials with NORAD and the FAA provided inaccurate information about the response to the hijackings in testimony and media appearances.

Authorities suggested that U.S. air defenses had reacted quickly, that jets had been scrambled in response to the last two hijackings and that fighters were prepared to shoot down United Airlines Flight 93 if it threatened Washington.

In fact, the commission reported a year later, audiotapes from NORAD's Northeast headquarters and other evidence showed clearly that the military never had any of the hijacked airliners in its sights and at one point chased a phantom aircraft - American Airlines Flight 11 - long after it had crashed into the World Trade Center.

Maj. Gen. Larry Arnold and Col. Alan Scott told the commission that NORAD had begun tracking United 93 at 9:16 a.m., but the commission determined that the airliner was not hijacked until 12 minutes later.

The military was not aware of the flight until after it had crashed in Pennsylvania.

? 2006 Denver Post

I have just came to the simple fact that I dont really know who to believe so I choose to do my own research and come to my own conclusions........I think that is the smartest and safest way to come to any conclusion.

Again........forget about conspiracies....... ask yourself this simple question.........Why would anyone in the Pentagon have to mislead anyone.......assuming the above is true????
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