A letter from an American.......

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Jan 23, 2001
All I have to say is, when will they do something about MY RIGHTS? I celebrate Christmas, but because it isn't celebrated by everyone, we can no longer say Merry Christmas. Now it has to be Season's Greetings. It's not Christmas vacation, it's Winter Break. Isn't it amazing how this winter break ALWAYS occurs over the Christmas holiday?? We've gone so far the other way, bent over backwards to not offend anyone, that I am now being offended. But it seems that no one has a problem with that.

This says it all!

After hearing that the state of Florida changed its opinion and let a Muslim woman have her picture on her driver's license with her face covered this is an editorial written by an American citizen, published in a Tampa newspaper. He did quite a job; didn't he? Read on, please!

>IMMIGRANTS, NOT AMERICANS, MUST ADAPT. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Americans. However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the "politically correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others.

I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to America. Our population is almost entirely made up of descendants of immigrants. However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand. This idea of America being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Americans, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.

We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!

"In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.

If Stars and Stripes offend you, or you don't like Uncle Sam, then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. This is OUR COUNTRY, our land, and our lifestyle. Our First Amendment gives every! citizen the right to express his opinion and we will allow you every opportunity to do so. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about our flag, our pledge, our national motto, or our way of life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great American freedom, THE RIGHT TO LEAVE.
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Oct 12, 2001
Long Branch Nj
Very well written. It really burnt me up when I read that certain companies were telling their employees that wearing the Flag or having the flag in their offices or cubicles could be offensive to the arabic americans in the company. If that was offensive to them, maybe we should be worried about them. The Arabic guys I work with, were not offended by the Patriotism influx, they wanted to tell anyone that would listen that when they moved here they were now Americans firsts, Saudi's and Packistanis second.

Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
A very narrow view, to be sure. The whole problem is that we try to impose our will abroad, forcing *others* to adapt to us even though they remain in their own country.

Also remember that we are a *secular* country. The fact that Christians founded this country is immaterial. That said, I find it preposterous that people would want to remove the words, "under God", from the Pledge of Allegiance when something like 99% of human being belive in some higher power. You do have to remember, though, that it isn't immigrants that are trying to change things like that. It is liberal Americans.

The idea that others should be forced to learn or speak English is totally racist and rediculous. Part of the freedom guaranteed by our Bill of Rights is the fact that you can speak whatever language you want at your own peril. If you find it hard to get a job or buy a newspaper because you can't speak English, that is your fault. But you should not be forced to learn the language.

One last thing I would like to say is that the majority of people are not especailly politically correct. The problem is that zealotry makes headlines with our pathetic media so the numbskulls that act offended at seemingly benign gestures get a lot of press. Just ignore them, I say. If you read an article about some oversensitive person getting offended by an American flag or the Pledge of Allegiance, just pay them no mind and go about your business.


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Nov 4, 2000
I find it so strange that all those that came here to form this wonderful country desided to use English. The Germans, French,Russians, Poles. and on an on. They had no probelm with English for the first language. Now we find thats not correct. Our country still has growing pains. We still have time to place in our laws English to make it official. I say lets get it done. If we want to be like Europe where ever 500 miles they speek a differant language. There is a answer. If thats what someone likes go there.
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Jan 4, 2003
This "open door" policy of America is out dated. As a young country in 1776 we wanted new settelers and we rallied around the idea that people could come here for "freedom". This is no longer the case. Today in 2003 America has evolved into the Strongest and Wealthiest country in the world. We are the singular "super power" of the world. Realizing our new position in the world we should adapt some of our principals of immagration.

We are no longer a country trying to build itself into an equal to other countries. We are no longer looking for gold in the West. We are no longer in the need of more uneducated labor.

It's not a popular political stance, but it is a truthful one.


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Jan 15, 2002
djv said:
I find it so strange that all those that came here to form this wonderful country desided to use English. The Germans, French,Russians, Poles. and on an on. They had no probelm with English for the first language. Now we find thats not correct. Our country still has growing pains. We still have time to place in our laws English to make it official. I say lets get it done. If we want to be like Europe where ever 500 miles they speek a differant language. There is a answer. If thats what someone likes go there.
OR here's another suggestion...if you don't like different languages, why don't YOU go somewhere there is an official language?

Also, it's just flat out wrong to say "They had no probelm with English for the first language."

ANY older generation that moves here has problems with English. When I grew up, my grandmother's neighborhood in Augusta Maine spoke entirely French. Not the younger generation, but the old folks. Some of them didn't speak a lick of English. My uncle was held back in school for not being able to straighten out his English and French. To think the germans, poles, frnech whatever came here and just hit the books and started learning english is just wrong.

But what you see is the people of my parents generation, who grew up in america, and therefore speak english well. You then conclude that the Europeans came here and just started speaking english. It isn't so.

Just like the next generation of peurto ricans, mexicans, and chinese will speak the predominant language, English.

Besides, what's your problem with non-english speakers? You walk into a 7-11, put your smokes on the counter and pay the guy. Who needs English?

Personally, I like having a little color. There's a big greek part of baltimore, a big italian part, a big hispanic part. It's great going to those parts of town. Different food, stores, music, language. Perhaps you'd like to plow over Chinatown in NYC and put up an "Applebee's"?

But, all we can do for now is hope that these foreigners learn English well enough to someday be able to write a phrase like "principals of immagration". (hey, at least he got "of" right.)


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Feb 12, 2000
I think to continue being the great country that the USA has become, we always need to look for an influx of people looking for "Freedom" and trying to actually achieve the "American Dream".

The problem is that it seems more and more everyday the American Dream is to be as lazy as possible then sue someone to make good money; complain about some of the good things that this country offers; and bleed the country dry.

We also have to remember that without people standing up for what they believe in, we would still be under British rule, and black people would still be sitting at the back of the bus. The problem is not everyone with a cause has a good one.

I love the fact that there are people that want to come to my country and make it their own. I just want them to respect the fact that this country thrives on the efforts of individuals. For the most part, people that come to this country (and live in Atlanta) are very hard working people really striving to make the American Dream a reality. These people are a critical part of what makes this country great. The people bringing a large city like Atlanta down are usually not foreigners but very much home-grown.

The media is definitely easy to blame for the sensationalism being exposed, but would you buy a paper that told a story about a city/town/state/family that didn't have problems? You might, but most people wouldn't.
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Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
I agree with the fact that if you don't like not being able to understand the guy behind the counter, you have a choice to go somewhere else. My problem lies with customer service. There the only people that I can call related to the problem that I am experiencing with something that I already purchased or am using and I can't understand a thing that they are saying because I am an ignorant American who only knows one language.

This diversification in urban areas is what makes city living preferred in my opinion; it's where the great experiment of America is put to the test everyday.

I just wish that the immigrants who weren't born in this country didn't show their feelings of how "arrogant", "corrupt", and "imperialistic" the American government is. It would seem to me, that if I thought a place was that bad, I wouldn't move there and pay taxes to enable that country to continue to be "arrogant", "corrupt" and "imperialistic"


Forum Member
Jan 4, 2003
Matt 7:5

Matt 7:5


Nice cheap shot, no reference to the point made just a mention of a spelling error. I usually write well and I apologize for not doing so in my last post. The facts remain and the fact that I misspelled a couple of words does not discredit the ideology of the argument.

But, if you wish to play the silly ?ha ha you mistyped game? I?ll play. Below are your misspellings. Congratulations ass hole, enjoy your grammar lesson.

typed by THESHRIMP
OR here's another suggestion...if you don't like different languages, why don't YOU go somewhere there is an official language?

Also, it's just flat out wrong to say "They had no probelm (sp) with English for the first language."

ANY older generation that moves here has problems with English. When I grew up, my grandmother's (title Cap) neighborhood in Augusta Maine (comma) spoke entirely French. Not the younger generation, but the old folks. Some of them didn't speak a lick of English. My uncle (title Cap) was held back in school for not being able to straighten out his English and French. To think the germans (Cap), poles (Cap) , frnech (sp & Cap) whatever came here and just hit the books and started learning english (Cap) is just wrong.

But what you see is the people of my parents (possession) generation, who grew up in america (Cap), and therefore speak english (Cap) well. You then conclude that the Europeans came here and just started speaking english (Cap). It isn't so.

Just like the next generation of peurto ricans, mexicans, and chinese (Cap, Cap, and Cap) will speak the predominant language, English.

Besides, what's your problem with non-english (Cap) speakers? You walk into a 7-11, put your smokes on the counter and pay the guy. Who needs English?

Personally, I like having a little color. There's a big greek (Cap) part of baltimore (Cap), a big italian (Cap) part, a big hispanic (Cap) part. It's great going to those parts of town. Different food, stores, music, language. (Fragment) Perhaps you'd like to plow over Chinatown in NYC and put up an "Applebee's"?

But, all we can do for now is hope that these foreigners learn English well enough to someday be able to write a phrase like "principals of immagration". (hey (Cap), at least he got "of" right.)

Not to forget the racist comments of ?Who needs English? in reference to the 7-11 guy. Implying that non-English speakers only work at 7-11s. Your constant verb tense shifts, illogical transformation between pronouns and the subjects they refer to, incomplete sentences, and irrational paragraph spacing you are far from a position to cast judgment on another?s post. I even let some of the verbiage and ALL CAPS slide on the fact of ?artistic license?.

You are a great poster, but make your point and don?t point out someone's mistakes in lue of submitting a rational arguement.

You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.-Matt 7:5:look:


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Forum Member
Jan 15, 2002

Well done. First sign of intelligence I've seen from one of you guys in a long time.

However, Blazer, the difference is, I'm not chastising people for coming to the country who don't know how to speak English.

I don't care if someone speaks well or poorly. People who do care should do so themselves.

I know you weren't directly criticizing non-english speakers, but you were certainly on the coattails of djv's post, who was doing exactly that.
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Forum Member
Jan 4, 2003
Full pot

Full pot

Thanks Shrimp,

I get your point. I understand that many immigrants are unjustly persecuted. My Grandfather told stories of seeing a cross burning in his front yard and the fear he saw in his Father?s eyes. I do not support such vile tactics, but I do support a policy change. Our nation is not the same nation it was when our ancestors came over through Ellis Island. The world is not the same place. If we keep our current position on immigrants (illegal and legal) we are jeopardizing ourselves. Did we (as a nation) not learn anything from 9-11 and the previous bombing of the WTC? Have we already forgotten that there are people both inside and outside our country that are willing to kill themselves in order to kill Americans? I?m sorry, but I do not want to live in fear of orange and yellow alerts. I don?t want to duct tape my house and I don?t want to tell my grandchildren scary stories of people in my country that want to hurt me because I?m an American.

The Melting Pot is full. Close (or greatly restrict) the fvcking border; expel those who are here illegally. If not, then it?s just a matter of time until more Americans die on American soil and more grandfathers tell horror stories to their grandchildren.

?steps down off his soapbox???


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Nov 4, 2000
Sorry folks didn't mean to piss anyone off. My suggestion to use English was if for no other reason. The English languge seems to be sopken by the majority. If you care to advance in OUR country. Well English might help. And I still say if you like many languges. Europe is the spot.