EVERY GAME HAS GONE UNDER TODAY (6-0 under).... (7-3 on West Coast/later starting games last 3 days, fyi if you look at that...) (I have been watching for a pattern that is hitting 70% or higher for 3 days str to hop on...) There were a couple times last year I had a great ride finding something that was streaking/trending.... I believe there was a time last year i went like 20-3 or 20-5 on one streak... (I think I have too much time on my hands to look for this shit, but once all the games are off board, and you are waiting for them to end, fuck it, why not....) I gotta make up for the DEBAUCLE ON MONDAY NIGHT.... (Rams had the chance to tie that game, and didnt do the basic, 1+ min drill vs a PREVENT DEFENSE... Throw an INT instead GUAR. PUBLIC crushes, and I didnt.... :142smilie:142smilie:142smilie