A question on cancelling bets in Vegas.

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Mar 12, 2000
Tampa Bay Florida
Had a discussion about cancelling a bet bet
before the game starts. I told him you could.
He said it would be an edge for the player if so.
Lets say you bet a team at +3 during the day.
Then the line moves to +5.
Can you cancel you bet at one window and replay it at +5 at another.
Same with a favorite , it you get it at -3
and then it goes to a pick, can you cancel
you play and bet the new line.
I know you can cancel any horse bet before post time with no problem, and I think you can do the same with sports.
Am I right or wrong here??
This would definitely be an edge for the player.


Ike Bomb

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Jan 3, 2002
I think that once you walk away with your tickets you can no longer cancel the bet. I always check my tickets "at the window" and have had to cancel them a couple of times due to error.
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Mar 12, 2000
Tampa Bay Florida
I do know if you make a horse or dog bet you
can cancel your bet period.
As long as you bring it back before post time...
No "error' is required.
I would think the same applies to sports betting.
I do not recall seeinf "All bets final" on betting slips.



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Jul 13, 1999
no book is going to let you cancel a bet at +3 and let you bet the game at +5. come on, maggio


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Aug 24, 1999
Ya think the Vegas books hadn't figured that out already. You would certainly have a significant advantage if they allowed this situation. Can ya imagine ploppin' down numerous NBA total bets in the morning and before the tip, you took the opposite side hoping for a nice middle. If the line didn't move in your favor, you would then have the option to cancel the wager. Tell ya what, if ya find a legitimate sportsbook that DO cancel bets on a regular basis, then I'd be more than happy to pay ya a finder's fee....
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Mar 12, 2000
Tampa Bay Florida
Of course not knowingly.
So Jack,you're saying that you can not cancel
a sports bet in Vegas once it's made.
Even if you just want to get your
cash back.
Is this the policy?
That's what I'm asking.

And like I said, you can do it on horses and dogs.
That I know.


[This message has been edited by maggio (edited 01-06-2002).]


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Jul 13, 1999
maggio, the vegas guys would know better than i would. i don't bet with those books when i'm there. i just can't imagine they would let you cancel a bet unless you do it before you leave the window.......like, immediately. know what i mean?

i imagine it's up to the manager and if you had a good excuse, maybe they would, but not to turn around and bet the other side at better odds.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
once a bet is made and you walk away from the window it is your ticket misatke or not.now if you stay there at the window and say you gave me the wrong bet they will void it and write the ticket over as long as the line didnot move as you were standing there,if you or they made a mistake and the line moved you are stuck with ticket,so when you make a bet always read your ticket and check it before you walk away from window,and most people who get screwed up are the idiots that go to the window and look at the board and then make bet.
that pisses everyone off and it people from out of town most of the time have signs that say have bets ready before you come to window. so guys that come to party there is paper and pencials at all books write you bets down check your numbers then go to window,that will save time for everyone and should keep you from giving the wrong number to the writter.
so after all this writting bottom line is you walk away and its your ticket.
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Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
only if they know you and it is within 5 mins of when the ticket is written,your locals will do it like you said like that most of the time but it still has to be within 5mins,but forget trying it on the strip they dont give a shit about anything but writting tickets,they would reather you play the ticket the other way to make it right just so they make their vig.the strip sucks,but sometimes you got to go there because a few places move slow at times.


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Feb 12, 2000

The reason that tracks can do it is that their odds are adjusted on the fly according to what is bet. When you cancel a ticket, then the odds simply change. Maybe not dramatically where you can see it on the board, but it does change.

Sportsbooks are different because their reasoning for moving a line is not a strict to-the-letter math formula.

Tracks make the same percentage on every race that runs with the exception with HEAVy favorites such as when Cigar ran to break the record. If Cigar would have won that race, tracks would have lost money because a track is required to pay a minumum of 2.10 for every $2 wagered. Since there was so much money wagered on Cigar, if he would have won, the track would have lost money on the race.

Sorry about rambling.

Sic 'em
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Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
I'm not as familiar with the Vegas sportsbooks as fletch and the others, but I do know at www.cancelbet.com , www.fantasylandbets.com , and www.curacaocandyland.com , the proprietors are very amenable to the players and will let u cancel your bets up until the fourth quarter in football and the NBA. They also cash winning game tickets in the first half if the game is covering ats by 7 points. The operators all speak fluent English, and on your birthday, they offer free phone sex.

It's far better to be LUCKY than good.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
65....Now, that's a hoot!


If you are at a track that lets you cancel a wager, good for you.....it is not allowed, so take advantage of that.

I knew a lot of the ticket writers at the now defunct dog track in Kaukauna, here in Wisconsin. They would allow me to cancel tickets. I assume that you are well known at the track you visit, so the same may go for you. The thing is, I was doing exactly what the track did not want people to do. On a night where there were 500 people at the track, the handle was quite small. I would often wager on a heavy favorite, and plunk down $1000 to win. Well, with only 500 people there, the odds on the other dogs stayed at 99-1 while my dog stayed at 1-9.

Everyone loved my dog, but nobody is going to risk $2 to make a dime, so they take the "long odds" on a decent dog that they feel has a shot. The morning line has the next best dog at 2-1 or 5-2, and the tote has him at 80-1! A lot of novices will put some money on that dog, and others will "take a shot" at some of the 99-1 dogs. All I was doing was getting money off of my dog, and into the pool on the others! 30 seconds before post, I would hand in my $1000 ticket, and say, "Gimmie the 'x' dog for $50."

Now, I had the wager I wanted, and I had held off a lot of the other money, to make my payoff sweeter! It was great to watch the last turn of the tote board reflect the "new odds", and hear people say, "What the hell happened to the odds on my dog?"

This is why the track does not allow that abuse of the system. (Funny what a few tips to the writers will do.)

Okay.....now I'm outta here for a while. You guys be good.

"You can't polish a turd."


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Feb 23, 2001
NO !!! I was in Vegas last year at Harrah's and a guy bet $100 on a game ,but it was the wrong team and the bet was for a friend. He was getting 5 when the ticket was bought.
Now the guy is begging to change the ticket(the number had even moved to +5 1/2) and the supervisor told him he was stuck with it-she was a real BITCH. The guy's girl was sobbing and the poor bastard didn't know what to do as he was broke and could'nt afford to buy the ticket his friend really wanted. I called the guy off to the side and he told me all this shit.
I gave him the $100 and suggested he leave Harrah's.The supervisor said that I had better leave,as she thought I was a local just trying to cause trouble.
I got mad and got my Casino Host (as I get totally "comped" at Harrah's ) and he spoke to the Bitch.I don't need shit when I'm only trying to help some poor rookie out.
I just smiled and walked away.Fletcher is 1000% right, they don't give a rat's ass about Joe Average.
SO, make bloddy sure you got the right ticket,because they just to punch the ticket and move on.
Good luck....Spanky.....


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Mar 12, 2000
Tampa Bay Florida
Thanks everyone for all the great info.
I can see why the pari-mutuals are more
agreeable to exchange or cancel a bet.
It doesn't often happen, but occasionally
I'll call out a wrong number or change my mind on a bet and they never give me a problem.
Betting on games and spreads is totally different.I can see why they wouldn't exchange.
Thanks again.
