A sensitive subject: Gambling and alcoholism

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Jun 11, 2001
I noticed from fletcher's thread that there are many folks on here battling alcoholism.

I myself have a mother and stepmother who are alcoholics (one recovering, and one "practicing"), and have a grandparent who died from alcoholism. I was just wondering folks' opinions on the addiction to alcohol vs. or perhaps compared to the potential for addiction to gambling. It seems that it could potentially be very dangerous for an alcoholic to gamble.

I am sure that I have not explained my question or concern very well, and for that I apologize. I hope that I have not offended anyone or crossed any boundaries I shouldn't have. With a significant family history of alcoholism, I sometimes find myself questioning whether I now or someday will have that potential for abuse or addiction, either with drugs, alcohol or gambling. Thoughts?


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
thats a good ?. and i am sure you didnot offend anyone of use who have this lifetime problem. me myself i know that it doesnot make me ashame for who or what i am,i am very proud to be who i am.but somethings i need to be more careful with in life.it is all about your choice that you make,for me if i choose to pick up a drink i will die.very simple point that i know and belive,might not be today or a week,could be a year,but once that drink has got into my system the process has begun and i am a walking dead man.
that is why i allowed myself to use the stuff i did maybe? because i am an addict,but i was hurting so much didnot want to tell dr. this info which is wrong for me in my case because anything i put into my body that alters my state of mind always always comes back to bite me in the ass and push me back futher then i should be.but i have learned some very good lessions out of this with minimal damage thank god.
as far as the gambling for myself yes it could but coaching was also the same way if i wanted to escape life i would work 12-15 hors aday,go home fall asleep. gambling could be the same for me ,i put allot of time into it more then is need to,why because i have a complusive behavor problem,thats just me.
so i watch from time to time and have seen when my problem is taking over my life,it doesnot have to be with a drink,it is all in how i behave,when i start isolating myself in work and away from people and places then i am in trouble something will happen it always has and i belive always will to me. thats is why not going to a meeting in over 3 months was where my whole problem this time started it wasnot my back it started way before with my mind.
am not good with life advice if i was i wouldnot be where i am at in life at times,but i can tell you what it has been like in my life. to each his own,only you will know what you can or cannot do.
hope this helps alittle i know everyone on here for the most part is a very good person,who would help anyone to the best that they can,and i thank you jack and ie for this site it has been a lifeline to me in more then oneway.

Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
I have heard of studies that found that a large percentage (may have been 50%, may have been more) of alcoholics are addicted gamblers. I thought they had made a mistake and meant to say 50% of gamlbers are alcoholics but it was actually the other way around.

I wasn't able to do research on how the study was conducted but it seems plausible. I know a few people who fall into the catagory of crossover addiction but I know many more who only have one of the two vices.

I think the greater link to gambling is golf. Honestly. I think if you look at both individuals and cultures and they way they embrace gambling and golf, you will find that the two have a striking correlation. I also read a Playboy article that said one of the best ways to get customers as a local bookie is to play golf as a single. You ask the other players if they gamble on golf, play for small change, then turn the conversation to sports gambling. If they are interested, you say you are a bookie, give them your number and a surprising number (according to the article) will become customers.
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Jun 11, 2001
I never really thought about the similarities in golf and gambling as hobbies, but you are definitely right. Both are time consuming, can be expensive, and are basically solitary (in terms of involving your family). Interesting. Also, it is very rare that I run into a fellow golfer that does not wager in some fashion on thier round. Thanks for your comments, fletch. I guess I was a bit surprised by how many recovering alcoholics were on this board. That is what got me thinking... Hope you are doing better and going to meetings.


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May 21, 2001
Good topic, I have wondered myself about the correlation between the two. I have gambled for almost as long as I drank, although I know if I have one drink I can't quit, I have never gambled with money I didn't have. I know alot of people who chase trying to catch up in a bad week of sports and bet alot more $ than they have. Everyone is diff., but as they say alcohol is my drug of choice and therefore, my weakness, with others it is the other way around. I have only been to Vegas once, when I was sober, and I did very well. I hope it works the same this week. Good luck to all.


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Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA
Good Luck Man! Although you don't seem to be the type who will need to depend on luck.Some really have the inner strength, the support and the wisdom to recognize the God awful dangers and heartaches that go along with addictions.You seem to be one of those. I've been very fortunate....I wish I could say that for all of mine. I wish you the same good fortune.....good health and
continued strength.
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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
In reference to golf/gambling it has been my experience that in most cases for the ave hcp golfer the people wanting to wager the most can least afford it while the ones who have the cheese play for change.There are exceptions but as a rule I have found this to be true for the most part.How would you sages relate this to the scheme?
Would also like to apologize for getting off the topic of this thread.My query seems rather trivial considering what Fletch and others have "and will" accomplish in their quest in life.

[This message has been edited by DOGS THAT BARK (edited 07-10-2001).]

Nick Douglas

Registered User
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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA

All I know about golf is you and Six Five better give me about 20 strokes if I come out there to play a few rounds with you guys.

I agree with what you said, too. My dad and his friends play their weekly skins game for $0.25 per skin and while none of them are rich, they all could afford to bet quite a bit more.


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Nov 4, 2000
Interesting Golf and contact being made. One friend shall I call him I met that way. The other and this too makes some sence. In bowling league. Whare else do you have the right timeing at least for football then bowling league. And for sure the normal beer frames. Lets all party attitude. It was my toughest place to lay off the drinks. It's not that I can't drink I dont like to anymore. I do not trust the new driving laws for one. I refuse to pay a fine upto 1500 bucks. And second reason my hi-blood presure meds. Well they make be sick as hell if I drink. All in all worked out best for me. I might be attending mtging by now anyway. Good Luck to Everyone.

[This message has been edited by djv (edited 07-10-2001).]
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Howdy Nick & Welcome. Have read many of your subjects past couple of years with interest.
Never missed yours & 6-5's hoops writeups at the other shop.