Seriously, here's the story:
About 1993 or '94 (before Al Gore invented the Internet), I was eager to get back into sports handicapping. I had lived over in Europe a couple of years, came back to the US and was out of the loop until 1993 or so -- so it took me a couple of years to catch up on things and by 1995 I was posting to the AOL Message Boards which is how I got started with all this public handicapping. I had been scammed before, but figured that was just an isolated experience. So, I somehow got a hold of a football magazine that had an ad for ATS Consultants.
Their numbers were almost to good to be true. They hot 60 percent on everything and really seemed convincing in their advertising. I must say, I was impressed (and a damned fool). I called the number and a hustler answered the phone. They wanted somethhing like $500 for the entire NFL season. They had several packages for sale, so I don't remember if this was the "whatever" club. These scamsters always have different clubs, so one of the clueless monkeyphucks will actually have a winning season and they can tout that one in their ads.
I said I was not sure about sending tht much money to anyone I didn't know and trust. So, he badgered me for 3 weeks with phone calls, each time getting more beligerant. After awhile, I quit answering the phone and let him leave message after message on the answering machine.
In the meantime, I was up in Baltimore on day and had an extra hour to kill so I decided to see what the ATS office looked like. I did this because I figured -- WHAT IF THEY REALLY ARE AS GOOD AS THEY ADVERTISE? I would be throwing away the chance of a lifetime!
I found the ATS office in an industrial park on Reistertown Road, north of Baltimore. It could have been a car repair shop for all I knew. I did not bother to step inside, but I did note that every car in the parking lot was a wreck. The best paint job on the lot was done by Earl Schieb. Bunch of AMC Matadors and 13 year old Buick LeSabres. Actually, I take that back -- there was a Caddy in the lot too, but the side door was green and the rest of the car was white. Naturally, all the cars had their windows down (it was Summer). What the phuck, no one was going to steal those jalopies.
I must say I really admire those people at ATS -- to produce 60 percent winners and always win their GAME OF THE YEAR every single week. Then, they have the discipline to SAVE the money rather than blowing it on something like a decent car. Gaddamn, now that's money management!
Seriously -- if these clowns were AS GOOD as their record indicates -- WHAT ARE THERE NOT THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE BY NOW CRUSHING THE SPORTSBOOKS? They have been in business about ten years, maybe more -- so WHY THE NEED TO GENERATE NEW CLIENTS SO BADLY?
Reason: They piss off the regular cusotmers and have to constantly nurture a new stream of suckers!
Don't be fooled.
By the way -- I think the AMC Matador was FOR SALE.
Nolan Dalla