A wonderful tribute to the fallen... Nice job, Obama.

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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Without trying to go overboard politically, from reading the reports of Obama's speech, demeanor, agenda for the day, choices of subject, and general response in Ft. Hood today, I have to say it was a wonderful performance by the Commander in Chief. I did not have time to watch any of it, just reading the reports.

He took the opportunity to personalize each victim, and promote the families and backgrounds of each. He paid respects and made tributes to each. He spoke eloquently to the families, and let them know the losses were not in vain - far from it. He and Michelle visited with each family before the event, which I'm sure added to his perspective and understanding.

For those of you completely stupid and ignorant that maintain he is a Muslim - he did not name the person responsible (to give him credit), nor highlight him in any positive way - and said whatever religious motivations could have been behind it were of no value or justification. A truly volatile Muslim, trying to undermine this country (I can't believe we have to have this distinctions at this point, but there remain some completely stupid and ignorant posters in this forum) could not and would not ever say those things.

"No faith justifies these murderous and craven acts; no just and loving God looks upon them with favor," Obama told the crowd on a steamy Texas afternoon. "And for what he has done, we know that the killer will be met with justice ? in this world and the next."

While I have my issues with what Obama is trying to do, and the overly-zealous agenda I think he has, I think today is a wonderful reminder of why I think he is a great leader in many respects. There are many ways to measure a President. This is one of the days that I will remember. We should ALL be proud of our President today.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
we already know he can read from a teleprompter. why is he not telling us that it was a terrorist? Does he think we are stupid and can't figure out that this guy committed the worst terrorist act since 9/11. He must think we are fools. pre-post traumatic stress disorder, bs, he is a home grown fanatic al-qaeda operative, get used to it, this is just the tip of the iceberg. big deal he read a prepared statement. :sadwave:


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Well, no doubt you as an audience would make light of it, and criticize it. Would expect nothing less, nor would it matter, either.

Had he made this a platform for anything other than he did, it would have demeaned the service, and very little has been proven about the killer to this point. It would have been premature, and despite your comment that everyone already knows about this guy being a terrorist is not accurate. We have clues, we have suspicions, we have an ongoing investigation, yes. We do not have much tangible proof of anything, and to make statements like you are throwing out would not be appropriate - yet. To say what he said, demeaning the faith of someone that would do something like this, is an appropriate response, and puts him squarely at odds with the radical muslim faith - something you guys should be happy with, but of course you aren't.

And I doubt there was any teleprompter there when he was speaking personally with each member of the fallen soldier's families, and most surely he had some input as to the content of the speech - knowing full well all of the opposition would be ready to analyze and pounce on anything they could. Case in point, here...

Weak. :rolleyes:
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Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
Yesterday was not the time and place to point fingers, with a national spotlight on the situation, it would only ignite a mob mentality towards the Muslim Community here in the states. I am not denying that this act of cowardice was down by a Muslim Terrorist, maybe O'bama is? Maybe he is afraid of backlash from the Muslims worldwide? But yesterdays Eulogy and Tribute was a fine job as Chad has said. O'bama does need to work on a few things as far as his reactions and mannerisms go when a tragedy such as this and those to come occur.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
Well, no doubt you as an audience would make light of it, and criticize it. Would expect nothing less, nor would it matter, either.

Had he made this a platform for anything other than he did, it would have demeaned the service, and very little has been proven about the killer to this point. It would have been premature, and despite your comment that everyone already knows about this guy being a terrorist is not accurate. We have clues, we have suspicions, we have an ongoing investigation, yes. We do not have much tangible proof of anything, and to make statements like you are throwing out would not be appropriate - yet. To say what he said, demeaning the faith of someone that would do something like this, is an appropriate response, and puts him squarely at odds with the radical muslim faith - something you guys should be happy with, but of course you aren't.

And I doubt there was any teleprompter there when he was speaking personally with each member of the fallen soldier's families, and most surely he had some input as to the content of the speech - knowing full well all of the opposition would be ready to analyze and pounce on anything they could. Case in point, here...

Weak. :rolleyes:

I kinda doubt that Chadman and I see eye to eye politically speaking, but I do agree with Mr. Chadman's comments 100% here....


Forum Member
Jul 31, 2000
Last edited:
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Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Well, no doubt you as an audience would make light of it, and criticize it. Would expect nothing less, nor would it matter, either.

Had he made this a platform for anything other than he did, it would have demeaned the service, and very little has been proven about the killer to this point. It would have been premature, and despite your comment that everyone already knows about this guy being a terrorist is not accurate. We have clues, we have suspicions, we have an ongoing investigation, yes. We do not have much tangible proof of anything, and to make statements like you are throwing out would not be appropriate - yet. To say what he said, demeaning the faith of someone that would do something like this, is an appropriate response, and puts him squarely at odds with the radical muslim faith - something you guys should be happy with, but of course you aren't.

And I doubt there was any teleprompter there when he was speaking personally with each member of the fallen soldier's families, and most surely he had some input as to the content of the speech - knowing full well all of the opposition would be ready to analyze and pounce on anything they could. Case in point, here...

Weak. :rolleyes:

until he says it was terrorism like we all know 100% it is, then I have no respect for him, big deal he read prepared statements not written by him about the victims families. I guarantee you he read each eulogy from his teleprompter


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Do you think he has time to research all of the family situations and write such an eloquent speech? Of course he doesn't - NO President does. They are hit with stuff all day every day, and cannot take that much time. That's why they hopefully surround themselves with qualified people to help him.

However, if you don't think he had anything to do with what the subject matter was, the manner in which it was delivered, the context of his statements, then you are being ridiculous. He didn't have to visit with every family, but he took the time to do it. He chose to mention the faith behind the cause of the scenario, which was important to most people not hating HIM.

And today, he CHOSE to go into Arlington Cemetery after his Veteran's Day speech, which was unplanned and unique, and spent respectful time with mourners there, further honoring the troops and the families.

He's done a terrific job the past couple of days, in dealing with all of this. You have no respect for him for any reason, so no big loss for him there. You cannot give one freaking inch to the man, even when he clearly does a good job on something. This eliminates ANY credibility you might ever have on the subject. Not that you care of course.

After all, you got "God and Texas" going for ya!~ :rolleyes:

Thanks, Mags. I do share a lot of the thoughts that you have, and respect your thoughts on most issues. I agree we probably don't agree on a lot, but I definitely respect your thoughts and manner of posting. Sadly, many here don't have your capabilities, nor caring about rational thought or discussion, and it shows in their ridiculous rants.

[see above...]


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Do you think he has time to research all of the family situations and write such an eloquent speech? Of course he doesn't - NO President does. They are hit with stuff all day every day, and cannot take that much time. That's why they hopefully surround themselves with qualified people to help him.

However, if you don't think he had anything to do with what the subject matter was, the manner in which it was delivered, the context of his statements, then you are being ridiculous. He didn't have to visit with every family, but he took the time to do it. He chose to mention the faith behind the cause of the scenario, which was important to most people not hating HIM.

And today, he CHOSE to go into Arlington Cemetery after his Veteran's Day speech, which was unplanned and unique, and spent respectful time with mourners there, further honoring the troops and the families.

He's done a terrific job the past couple of days, in dealing with all of this. You have no respect for him for any reason, so no big loss for him there. You cannot give one freaking inch to the man, even when he clearly does a good job on something. This eliminates ANY credibility you might ever have on the subject. Not that you care of course.

After all, you got "God and Texas" going for ya!~ :rolleyes:

Thanks, Mags. I do share a lot of the thoughts that you have, and respect your thoughts on most issues. I agree we probably don't agree on a lot, but I definitely respect your thoughts and manner of posting. Sadly, many here don't have your capabilities, nor caring about rational thought or discussion, and it shows in their ridiculous rants.

[see above...]

again, Chad, Hasan is a terrorist:shrug: Obama is a muslim protecting muslims from backlash. I really think he is trying to ruin our country from the inside, and I am not kidding either, he is a joke. Big deal he read a speech from his teleprompter.
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
And, I'll post this again, which you have no answer for - or at least no sensible answer for:

For those of you completely stupid and ignorant that maintain he is a Muslim - he did not name the person responsible (to give him credit), nor highlight him in any positive way - and said whatever religious motivations could have been behind it were of no value or justification. A truly volatile Muslim, trying to undermine this country (I can't believe we have to have this distinctions at this point, but there remain some completely stupid and ignorant posters in this forum) could not and would not ever say those things.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
again, Chad, Hasan is a terrorist:shrug: Obama is a muslim protecting muslims from backlash. I really think he is trying to ruin our country from the inside, and I am not kidding either, he is a joke. Big deal he read a speech from his teleprompter.

You and people like you have set your party back years. Rational people just shake their head at you. I'm actually a fiscal conservative and can't even fathom people like you. The worst thing that can happen for your party has. When people hear GOP they often think of you.
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Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
And, I'll post this again, which you have no answer for - or at least no sensible answer for:

For those of you completely stupid and ignorant that maintain he is a Muslim - he did not name the person responsible (to give him credit), nor highlight him in any positive way - and said whatever religious motivations could have been behind it were of no value or justification. A truly volatile Muslim, trying to undermine this country (I can't believe we have to have this distinctions at this point, but there remain some completely stupid and ignorant posters in this forum) could not and would not ever say those things.

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