?? about a betting site...

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Jul 15, 2005
South Carolina
The site betbug.com? It's not actually a bookie site. You bet other people and the site just takes out a small commiission. It seems like a good idea. For instance, if you thought the Panther would blow out the Giants, you could place a bet Panther -7 at $100. After that, you would just wait and see if another player would take your bet. You can also look around and take other players bets if you like them. I looked into it briefly and it seemed like it would work out. If anyone else has the time, take a look and let me know what you think.

Also, I found a good site for high quality boxing dvds at widescreenboxing.com. They have a widescreen feature that I found interesting. Either way, the dvd's might have been the best quality that I've bought online if anyone cares.....


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Oct 30, 1999
Looks like another exchange company....the way of the future. These companies are replacing bookies. Live-betting is the only thing that can save the standard bookmakers. Betfair (exchange) started in 1998 and they easily get more volume than anyone in the world even with their customer origin restrictions.

Do these guys have any liquidity...I.E are there realistic bets being matched. I mean Panthers -7 was not realistic and would never be matched (unless it was during the game).


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Jul 15, 2005
South Carolina
Well, my theory is that you could take their lines or make your own. So, if you thought the Panthers would kick the Giants in the balls like myself, you could make a -7 for the Panthers. Alot of Giant fans would jump on that bet so I'm sure somebody would take it. Panthers won 23-0, so at -7, when they are getting +3, I don't see how a Giants fan wouldn't jump on that. Are non bookie sites good? I never really knew they exisited until I stumbled upon this one....Also, it looks like alot of people use the sites lines or only slightly adjust the lines. I figure the Panthers to blow out the Giants. I would have laid a Panthers -7 for $100. Somebody who was a Giant fan would have jumped on that in seconds......
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Jan 6, 2004
but why lay 7 pts when you can get +3, are you getting a favorable payout to do that. i might be missing the point, but it doesn't seem too smart to do that. if you think its gonna be a blowout just do a bet with action points and you'll make a killing if you're right.


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Jul 15, 2005
South Carolina
Well, you could make your line. So I could say Panthers -7 at +500 if I wanted to. I guess my thinking on it is that you can make your own lines up, so you could get better payouts that way if you did the math and you wanted to. I just used the Panther line for an example. If they were +120 to win or whatever, you could make them +130 and see if anybody would take it. I thought it would also be a good idea for people on here that have debates about boxing that they could bet with each other......


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Jul 15, 2005
South Carolina
At least IMO, alot of people aren't on 10 different sites comparing odds. Some people are only on one site. I use Sportsbook that has Morales at -125. On here, somebody is already offering up even odds on him. I haven't found one site that has even odds for Morales. This guy, for whatever reason, what's to just make a straight up bet, as if you would be betting a friend. I'm sure that there is alot of bets like this on the site all the time. Somebody also was offering the Redskins at +11. I haven't seen the Redskins anywhere online getting +11. You could make your own lines just to see who takes it. It seemed like a cool idea to me at least.......
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Registered User
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Jan 6, 2004
that definitely sounds cool, i didn't realize you meant say the panthers -7 at +500. i thought you meant -7 (-110). i'll take a look at that site, sounds interesting. i checked out that boxing site you mentioned above, pretty cool. picked up the 2 castillo/corrales fights and morales/pacquiao I.


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Jul 15, 2005
South Carolina
HoopsGuru said:
that definitely sounds cool, i didn't realize you meant say the panthers -7 at +500. i thought you meant -7 (-110). i'll take a look at that site, sounds interesting. i checked out that boxing site you mentioned above, pretty cool. picked up the 2 castillo/corrales fights and morales/pacquiao I.

I guess sometimes nobody out there would take action on some of your bets, but on the other hand, some would. I guess it wouldn't hurt to float a few attempts on a lop sided bet that would be in your favor. I figure every now and than, you'll catch somebody. Besides that, I've found better odds their than alot of sites. It seems you just have to grab them fast before somebody else does, always checking the site. The widescreen site is cool. The widescreen is an interesting feature. I got the Corrales/Castillo dvds. They were good quality and I was happy with my purchase. I usually get some fights from Ebay, but you never know what you'll end up getting from there.....

Dan Bernadino

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Apr 11, 2005
Hi Armageto.

opefully p2p betting sites such as betbug will become more the 'norm' in future, there are already a number of established 'exchanges' operating in Europe, most notably Betfair, as well as offering better odds on average another great thing about the exchanges is the fact that they will have no desire to close or limit your account if you are a winning punter, as they make their money from commisions on winnings, obviously it's in their best interests to keep the bigger players playing, in fact, a number of the exchanges actually offer incentives for spending big
I believe Betfair offer a basic 5% of winnings deal to players but, once the player raises their turnover to a certain amount, the commision decreases.
I definitely think the future is looking a lot more promising thanks to the rise of the exchanges, now if only we can get more of them to cover more boxing and MMA, we'll be laUGHING.
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Registered User
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Jul 15, 2005
South Carolina
Thank you Dan B for your input. It sounds like P2P is better than the bookie sites. I've found mostly better odds on it myself. Has anybody used P2P sites? If so, what has been your XP with them? Thanks......


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Apr 24, 2000
Adelaide Australia
I used the site Betfair for a few weeks and it works the same as betbug I believe.

In my experience once the comission was taken out the odds offered were actually worse than I could have got from a bookie. There were not many people willing to take a risk with higher odds as I thought there might be. Also, as these exchanges are relatively new items and the people using them tend to be smarter bettors who sit there all day waiting for someone to offer higher odds.

When I became the bookie and set my own odds for someone else to accept I didn't like the fact that I didn't know whether I had actually placed a bet. A couple of times I found out after the match that no one had accepted my bet.

In summary, if you can better odds go for it but make sure you account for the comission before working out winnings as what looks like better odds may not be.

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