About MJ's, Services, time changing and more!

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Soy Puro Cabron
Forum Member
Jan 8, 2002
Hello everybody, This has been by far the best forum I have been at.

What I used to love about MJs?

People, we use to be a lot of handicappers, not only gamblers around, for complete game bets, first half, second half, a lot of feedback and information all along. We had old timers that teached us a lot of theories and insights, we have a complete wave going on, we always had services out of this place.

Services out? yes, I used to have the time to handicapp, I used to have the time to be very good at this, Now I am into my own Technology and consulting services business that i do not have time for this, when I was in college i had my own service and I felt dirty in here, i didnt come here for that because this site was too clean for it, a lot of people helping and been help, even tho it pay the rent, sometimes tuition and private university payments, but I was putting in the line a lot of time, my house looked like a sportsbar instead of a home and I didnt have family, now I am going for the third kid in november.

I miss the HALFTIME thread, you do not have an idea how much, I was the funniest thread of all the site, remember the big RAYMOND going out with outlaws every week, Nolan gave us a lot to think about handicapping with trends and numbers, but well, that time is gone and I do not know if we will have it back again.

About time changes, I think is more of a money matter thing, in the past Jack would never accept this thing going, I understand him, maybe traffic is not that good, or money, but its ok, time havent change to me in this respect, what I think is that Jack decided to let this thing go just because he felt like it, but is not about times!

Jack has always had a tough way to go, hehe, remember my spanish threads that he banned because he considers is an only english forum, I completely disagree, even today, but is his forum, is like playing with another kid ball and he wants to go to another place or just want you to play a way he wants and thats it, you do not have an option.

I enjoy MJs, will be part of it as long as i have life or Jack kicks me or his descendents LOL!

Kinds Regards,

And I will wait for everybody comments about what I thought



Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 17, 2007
New Jersey
I have recently see lots of folks complain about paying for services because they are expensive. What I don't understand is why don't people form conglomerates to get the same information for less per capita. I have seen this done on other sites where a group of people will get together and divide the cost of the services among them so instead of paying $1,000 per person you are paying $100 per person or less and the information is shared backchannel. How can the Service complain if the information is shared after one person pays the full boat or if its shared by 10 people who are getting the information anyway. Does the service really think the information is not going to be shared once it is released? I personally do not use services but imagine this would be a no brainer for small bettors to share the cost of the ride......


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 12, 2010
I agree with you. Thunder and Senor Capper are AWESOME handicappers, but I just don't PAY for services. Wish them the best of luck. There are a lot of GOOD HANDICAPPERS on this forum and a ton of good info.:toast: :toast: :toast: :00hour :00hour
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2002
Plain City OH
I have recently see lots of folks complain about paying for services because they are expensive. What I don't understand is why don't people form conglomerates to get the same information for less per capita. I have seen this done on other sites where a group of people will get together and divide the cost of the services among them so instead of paying $1,000 per person you are paying $100 per person or less and the information is shared backchannel. How can the Service complain if the information is shared after one person pays the full boat or if its shared by 10 people who are getting the information anyway. Does the service really think the information is not going to be shared once it is released? I personally do not use services but imagine this would be a no brainer for small bettors to share the cost of the ride......

this was being done with BIG AL's picks back in 2000 or 2001, then along came Feb 14th. Yep he switched his password or phone line or what ever and He dumped a losing card on the one or two that was sharing the info at a lesser charge. I guess the first car in the parade was making some profit on the pass along and BIG AL did not like that. The down stream damage was fairly large and he made a big issue outta it the following day.

You are so correct about value for the player betting small, the juice and the service expense per play can eat up the profit, especially if you are a normal person with a wife & kids or a job with strange hours, or the electric goes out for halftime and you miss 4 or 5 winners but get the rest of the winners and all the losers.

Good luck to all money is important but I am learning to live well while living within my means. Senor is right about one thing, doing it and doing it right is a lot of work ! I know, I worked hard to win in 2003. :0074


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 24, 2001
i remember halftime espically when fletcher was still here i remember when he went to pay service and everyone hated him for it and it seem he is still winning