about this forum


Staff member
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Channel Owner
Jul 13, 1999
a few random thoughts.

this forum is doing just fine. we just got much bigger, so there will be more conflicting personalities than before. live with it and sift through the threads. there is more available here than ever before.....just on a much larger scale. there is something for everybody. please try to accept the change and the growing pains. we'll have it running smoothly. i guarantee it

we only have a few rules.

1) no bashing or flaming or whatever you want to call it. bashing and making fun of someone's plays (or losses) is childish and won't be tolerated, period. i'll give a new guy a few chances to learn this before banning his ass forever if he can't get it through his thick skull. i've been using this method for over 3 years and i will weed them out. i'm just not going to be as lenient <--spelling doesn't look right but not going to look it up) as in the past.

we've had some other threads with some serious arguments (or heavy discussion). i think that is good. if you don't want to read it, don't open the thread. all of those threads will be moved to the general forum where participants can slug it out. with all the people visiting this forum, we all can't always agree and we all can't always get along. a good argument can be good. look at it like that and it doesn't seem so bad. it is NOT bad for the sports forums because i will be moving all arguments here (the general forum)

2) i won't tolerate people threatening other members about anything. we don't play that here. i hated 'tattle-tales' when i was in grade school and i hate them now. so stop with the threats or you can play at wagertalk instead. it ain't happening here!

3) please quit posting your email address. the scumbag services will scoop it up and you'll be on email lists like you won't believe. then you'll come crying to the site. we do not sell email addresses and won't be an outlet where these scums can come and collect them either. if you post your email, we will edit it out. if you need to find someone or contact someone, meet in the promotions forum or in the chatroom. just don't clutter up the handicapping forums.

4) we now allow advertising. there is a forum at the bottom where you can promote your site all you want. just don't do it in the other forums. if i see an ad in any forum except the 'promotions' forum, it will be deleted, not moved. i don't have time for the games. you want games, post in the 'promotions' forum at the bottom of the main forum section.

that's about it.

things are great. let's win some bets!


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 22, 2001
I TRULY look forward to coming here everyday. The best website just keeps getting better all the time. TONS of great info and personalities here. Thanks for everything!



Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Good deal. If everybody would learn to not respond to the idiots and just take them at face value for the wonderful fades they are it would be great. Several guys here are idiots, but as long as they think they are good, the better it is!

There are some really solid guys posting in the NBA and NHL forums right now, and soon to be college hoops, and there is money to be made. Whether you play with guys or fade them, the bickering and game playing is petty and stupid, and like Jack says, elementary.
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