Academy Award Best Director...actress


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Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
tulsa ok
Finally a betting situation my wife does well with.....Michael Scorcese -213......Won Golden Globe a short time ago for "Gangs"
has never won academy award....overdue....will get this one
for his overall lifetime body of wife also likes Julianna Moore for either best actress (may go to Kidman for divorce sympathy) or best supporting actress.......these are her best shots....she has made me money last 3 academy awards, hope that tout doesn't jinx it....;)

Nolan Dalla

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Forum Member
Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV
Agree with you on Scorcese as the Director bet. Good value and waaaaaaay overdue.

Although I thought GONY was far from his best work (I was disappointed in the film), Hoolywood normally likes to reward Directors who have invested years in special projects. GONY was certainly a project for Scorcese. This movie has been in the works for nearly 20 years (which is why it was somewhat dissapointing).

I never would have had GONY among the top movies of the year, but the fact there are so many nominations for this film shows it's generally looked upon in a favorable light.

It's very similar to the year Paul Newman won for THE COLOR OF MONEY. I can name ten movies where Newman was better (where he did not win). But the Academy caved in that year and gave it to Newman for "the lifetime body of work." Same thing with Al Pacino for SCENT OF A WOMAN. Many better Pacino performances, but he won the Oscar for that film.

Agree with Scorcese as the choice here.

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