afternoon entertainment

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grey beard

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Jan 20, 2003
Leesburg Va
Going to the welll for the 3rd time in 3 days with the underdog Os...felt very confident on Monday, pretty confident yesterday and today, it's a real stab but here's why this is a play at absolutely great odds..first, Sarfante, the Os starter, has good stuff..he throws hard and has movement..and very importantly , he says he's a starter and wants to remain there..not that that means he will pitch great or anything..but he does have good stuff..Chamberlin of course is also a fairly recent starter...he's got real good stuff but I still don't think he's upper eschelon kind of starter...he'll give up 3-4 runs typically and as I've said before, the Os can really hit..they only have one weak spot in their lineup (for today, maybe two iif there's a change in catcher)..but the Os are hot...and watching the Yanks the last two days. they look spunk, no bats, lousy they may come out of in a big way and the Os might be satisfied with winning the series but at +260, think the Os could pull out another...they are truly the equal of the yanks bats and are confident...Os 6 Yanks the RL on Os as well

Will play the Blue Jays with their rookie...Jays are an improved club under Gaston...have no idea about this rookie starter but Jackson is beginning to revert back to his lousy ways...rookies sometimes have great 1st starts and bomb later...and I'll bank on that for a small play..Jays 7, Rays 3.

Over in KC-Oak..daygames higher scoring..two lousy team will explode today...something like 9 to 4 one way or the other..