Ain't it Ironic

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Nov 6, 1999
La Crosse, WI
Although he had no formal title, and now he isn't even employed by his former franchise, Dan Micelli might just open his mail in November only to find out he was named the Florida Marlins Administrative Operations Employee of the Year.
No one has been able to cut payroll like him in the struggling Marlin's operation. First, he decides to open his mouth and complain about the lack of playing experience of his former manager John Boles, no problem Dan we will fire him and replace him with one of our guys who is already under payroll. Next, he fires himself with his own arm because he can't pitch to save his own ass. That is now two birds with one stone. I am waiting for him to give a call to Dombrowski and say that bat boy looked horrible today, therefore Tony Perez could field three jobs this season.
Good luck to Mr. Micelli...... Cancer of the Marlins errrrrrrrr Chief Payroll Cutter of the Marlins.......... My only hope is this guy never pitches in a game where I have action again!!!!!

Just my opinions,


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2001
I don't think the Marlins play since Perez took over is a coincidence either. Indirectly they should thank Miceli for that too.