Al Gore for the Nobel is offensive

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Feb 19, 2006

That is all I have to say.

Well I guess I will bitch a little bit.

Getting nominated for Nobel and winning it are two very different things, but i mean come on people, the Nobel??

Global Warming bed wetting pisses me off to begin with, but if Al Gore wins the Nobel for that alarmist movie I will shit.

GOD I hate Al Gore.

Allright, I feel better now.


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Nov 4, 2000
Better him then that war loving Rush the Lush. GD Ling SOB. Their I feel better.


Registered User
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Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
Too bad .............

Too bad .............

It pisses u off....perhaps u need anger management classes. I am delighted that someone that is making a difference may be recognized. Fact i'm so delighted i slammed my inflatable date so badly i had to re-sleeve her.
The thong wearing love interest flew to Paris to get away from Super Bowl weekend.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i guess he thought that 'global warming' started when bush defeated him in 2000......because he didn't do shit about 'global warming' in the 8 yrs he was in office.......

but,to be fair,i guess it was a good thing that bushitler and rove stole the election....if not,"howl" gore wouldn`t have saved the world....

he deserves it...he never received squat for inventing the internet.....

i just wish he`d been around for that "little ice age" of a few centuries ago that slightly disrupted worldwide weather patterns (i wonder what man made activity led to that little set-to?)....
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Jun 18, 2002
Okay, I will play your game. Show me a link to a quote where Gore says he invented the internet? Any one?

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
Stevie your fighting a losing battle. Fox news told these collection of nitwits that Gore is a bad man so like the sheeps that they are they believe he is a bad man. They won't give you one reason why but when you are a dope you believe what other dopes feed you.
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Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
i guess he thought that 'global warming' started when bush defeated him in 2000......because he didn't do shit about 'global warming' in the 8 yrs he was in office.......

He had the movie in his "creative" mind the whole time. It just needed a proper spark, like maybe unemployment:mj07: , to ignite the creative process.


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Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area be fair,i guess it was a good thing that bushitler and rove stole the election....if not,"howl" gore wouldn`t have saved the world....

LOL! That's good stuff, gw. No, Al Gore went to Vietnam to save the world.

But, that "stolen" election was good for more than just Gore. Why, without it, we wouldn't have been treated to the brilliant, unprecedented, and risible U.S. Supreme Court decision in Bush vs. Gore, a decision that leaves even second year law students howling in the aisles. Thanks for the laughs!


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Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
I don't know if it is some sort of right-wing propoganda or not. :shrug:

Of course it is. The "Al Gore invented the internet" claim is a brilliant smear job against Gore by the right.

At the risk of boring people with facts:
The two people most responsible for the "internet" (Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf), give Al Gore the credit he is due. "Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development," they wrote in a joint email in 2000.

But don't take my word for it. Research it yourselves. Search "Al Gore" and "creating the internet" and read all the results thoroughly.


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Jun 18, 2002

I found this one.,1283,18390,00.html

I don't know if it is some sort of right-wing propoganda or not. :shrug:

And by the way, if it makes any difference, I think that most politicians are idiots. No matter what party they are affiliated with.

BOHICA not knocking you because that lie has been spread a million times and guys like Weasel will continue to spread it.

In your article and in mine and in JC's he says he took "initiative" which he did.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 19, 2006
Stevie your fighting a losing battle. Fox news told these collection of nitwits that Gore is a bad man so like the sheeps that they are they believe he is a bad man. They won't give you one reason why but when you are a dope you believe what other dopes feed you.

Actually, I am from Tennessee and have had to deal with Gore my entire life. But since I am from the South, judging from your previous posts, I am a simple minded moron and one of the sheep following right wingers-both claims happen to be false aswell. I dont like Gore simply because I have had to listen to his bullchit for years, even before he was a national icon or a global warming figure, back when everyone who was around him knew how full of it he was, hence-not even winning his own state. Soon enough everyone else will see right through his nonsense. Hopefully before the Nobel is handed out, but it wil probably take longer than that for all those people who see Gore as the savior of the globe.
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The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Actually, I am from Tennessee and have had to deal with Gore my entire life. But since I am from the South, judging from your previous posts, I am a simple minded moron and one of the sheep following right wingers-both claims happen to be false aswell. I dont like Gore simply because I have had to listen to his bullchit for years, even before he was a national icon or a global warming figure, back when everyone who was around him knew how full of it he was, hence-not even winning his own state. Soon enough everyone else will see right through his nonsense. Hopefully before the Nobel is handed out, but it wil probably take longer than that for all those people who see Gore as the savior of the globe.

He didn't win his state because no democrat wins in the south until now. It looks like some of you are finally waking up out of the deep comma they call Fox News. Maybe they can hand it out to Bush and Cheney. Two great true american hero's. Military evaders, war profiteers, sanction abusers, ratting out our CIA. Just lovely people. their has to be some kind of award for this. How about an award for stopping four terrorist attacks that have now been found out to be another big fat lie? Got to be something.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 19, 2006
I dont recall saying that I was a Bush/Cheny/Fox News fan. Just because I dont like Al Gore doesnt mean I like Bush. Seems like you have such hatred for the right and endearment for the left that nothing else matters to you-anything you can do to bring Bush into the argument and bash him will justify your point.
Bush and Cheny have nothing to do with this thread.