Alcohol vs. Marijuana

Felonious Monk

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Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
Alcohol makes you stupid.

Pot makes you stupid.

Alcohol makes some people really violent.

Pot makes some people really hungry.

Alcohol is a toxin to you liver, heart, blood vessels, stomach and other organs.

Marijuana is a toxin to your lungs (if you smoke it).

I cannot understand why weed is so villified by our society, but alchohol is a right of passage.

Your thoughts?

hello there

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001
Oh no, this just brings up the whole alcohol vs prostitution issue again, but to a different degree.


Registered User
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Jan 15, 2002
South Mississippi
The only reason I can give for pot not being legal is that it is so hard for them to tax it. They don't know were it is grown, or sold.


Fish Head
Forum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Arlington, TX (But a Missourian at heart)
Alcohol Vs. Marijuana

Alcohol Vs. Marijuana

Let's just say, my feelings on booze vs. pot is that if the government can control and tax it, it would be legalized. I think it's nothing but a bunch of bureaucratic red tape. Here are some examples of what I think about the issue.

Alcohol related headlines: "Drunk driver kills family of four on interstate last night.:

"Intoxicated man beats child to near death."

"Student dies of alcohol poisoning on Spring Break."

"Young girl raped after college party, police say alcohol was involved."

Marijuana related headlines: "Man smokes joint, eats M & M's, falls asleep."

"College student forgets to open garage door and backs into it while going on a McDonalds run."

"Young women gets pulled over on the highway for going BELOW the speed limit."

"Cancer patients use marijuana to regain their appetite."

Note: I don't approve of either being abused. To me, anything done in moderation is acceptable as long it is used in a controlled manner. I think the government is being hypocritical.


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Both of them do you no good in the long run. By the way that weed also has away of messing with your brain cells. You put these both togeather and you have accedent waiting to happen.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Let's just say, my feelings on booze vs. pot is that if the government can control and tax it, it would be legalized. I think it's nothing but a bunch of bureaucratic red tape.

I got news for you brother the government is controlling and taxing marijuana and all other drug sales in the U.S.

The only reason I can give for pot not being legal is that it is so hard for them to tax it. They don't know were it is grown, or sold.

again the U.S. Gov't controls and has absolutely full knowledge of where the poppy fields and others are at. The largest campaign contributor to both parties is certainly the tobacco farmers. By legalizing marijuana that puts financial and competitive strain on the tobacco farmers although they would have the tools to cultivate a marijuana crop. It would certainly be deficient as compared to out of country competitors who have the experience and cheaper labor, which of course brings us to import and tariff taxes on the imported shipment that would be in HUGE demand due to legalization. If Marijuana was legalized than Hashish would obviously soon follow, which would drive the price up due to added taxes. If you look at the median consumer of product, this would eliminate a large part of your customer base. The government knows what it is doing and knows the statistics. Don't naively think that our uniquely capitalist government doesn't know all this already. C.I.A. has been allowing dope to come in this country since its onset. Kick ass:weed: :jump:


Fish Head
Forum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Arlington, TX (But a Missourian at heart)


You are probably right. Very informative though. I quit smoking pot after college. Though to me, marijuana is still the lesser of two evils when you compare it to alcohol. To be honest, if I were not given the choice, and HAD to choose, I would rather get behind the wheel of a car with a man that is stoned than a man that is piss drunk. Best of luck to everyone.


Registered User
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Mar 13, 2002
Maybe it's just me, but everyone that I know who smokes pot does it everyday and ALWAYS have urges. This has totally ruined a bunch of my friends, they have terrible mood swings, depression, and a lack of motivation. I personally don't like to hang out with them any more because they are so out of it.

My friends that drink do it only on the weekends and like me, don't even think about it during the work week. They have no psycological problems unlike 99 percent of my pot smoking friends. They are generally more active and fun to be with. (People who drink are documented to be more sucsesful in life then people who smoke).

"I pass on grass"

"The only bud I do is in a can"

Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
I think your documentation on success and drinking is a little off! It is the fact that successful people are more likely to drink!( 9 out of 10 are probably because of the stress of success ) Drinking will not and I repeat will not make you successful! I mean hell, I drink everyday and I'm a loser! J/K

The only real way to settle this is to just do both! I like to smoke the bud and Drink the wine! Nagga Nooch and pass me a brew!


Forum Member
Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
Well yeah if ya smoke the :weed: every freaking day I am sure you will become out of it just like drinking half a bottle of scotch a day will kill your liver. Both are fine, IN MODERATION. Weed should be legal, then again I am for legalization across the board but that is another discussion.
By the way, I think I know where ALWAYS PRAYEN stands on this issue. :D


Registered User
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Jan 8, 2002
On the lake. Setting hooks!
i used pot to stop smoking cigs. everytime i wanted a cig i'd smoke a joint. as of today i haven't smoked a cig in 10 years. it worked for me. then i quit pot. it was much easier than quiting cigs cold turkey. the only reason i quit pot was because, like cigs i developed phlem in my lungs. but it was a lot easier than quitting cigs. as far as pot vs drinking. when i use to bowl with my brother in law and his friends. they use to make fun of me and my wacky weed as they called it. they all had a big laugh on me. they were all big beer drinkers. well at the end of the night not only would i out bowl them. i ended up driving all of them home. i still smoke a joint every now and then. just when somebody turns me on to one. since i stopped buying it. that isn't to often. just my thoughts.:)
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