just bought in new trading software 3 days ago of course after checikng every scam watchdog website
fffffffffffffffughinmg amazing i never ever traded stocks only have knowledge of how it works
frree trial 30 days you only risk $250 so far i'm up profit $475.98
go here copybuffet.com and just in case you think i'm referring it's not avaible i signed direct to it skimming over the one who genreates the program
got it from list builder i belong too called listjoe.com if you want to see the video and all before diving in
try this link http://copybuffett.com/?clickid=232938991&affid=4035223&affuser=index81
no they make no claims of being connected to warren buffet they just say they copy his methods i mean wtf i go drop $250 to $500 in casinos every month :mj07:
fffffffffffffffughinmg amazing i never ever traded stocks only have knowledge of how it works
frree trial 30 days you only risk $250 so far i'm up profit $475.98
go here copybuffet.com and just in case you think i'm referring it's not avaible i signed direct to it skimming over the one who genreates the program
got it from list builder i belong too called listjoe.com if you want to see the video and all before diving in
try this link http://copybuffett.com/?clickid=232938991&affid=4035223&affuser=index81
no they make no claims of being connected to warren buffet they just say they copy his methods i mean wtf i go drop $250 to $500 in casinos every month :mj07: