Aljazeera head lines


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Here is their top story today
full story

Allawi's Congress speech draws flak
By Firas Al-Atraqchi

Friday 24 September 2004, 2:12 Makka Time, 23:12 GMT

Interim Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi's speech before the US Congress has been received with scorn and ridicule by regional analysts and Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry.

Seems they, the New York Times, and their boy Kerry all have the same message. It would not surprise me if they don't or haven't contributed to the Kerry/Edwards campaign yet.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
What do you find wrong, or misleading about the story, Wayne?

Of course it was a political move by the Bush campaign. That's no big deal, but the Prime Minister addressing congress and telling them things are going well in Iraq reminds me of Baghdad Bob telling everybody that our troops weren't in Baghdad as tanks rolled on in the backround.


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Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
Very good analogy Kosar..last night on Keth Obermans program
they had the Newsweek Bureu chief on live from Iraq. He was asked about Alawis claim of the 15 mentioned cities being safe.
He said and i Quote "Alawii couldnt go to any of those cities without heavy US Military escort as is the case for American reporters now." When asked about whether the media was reporting only the bad and not the good his response was that the media is not reporting all the bad. Its actually worse than is being reported. Nightline also had two nights of Excerpts from 20 hours of video by an American Seargent that he took on his own.
Very gutwrenching stuff.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
What don't I find wrong????

To begin with the real situation in Iraq is probably unknown to almost everyone. My opinion is there is without doubt very troubling areas also there are areas with little or no aggression.
What does the media pond you with---not really dissing the media on this as who would view news of area where nothing is going on.

With that being said I would assume the truth is somewhere in the middle of the way Bush and Kerry describe it.

Lets take worst case scenerio and say it is entirely the way Kerry portrays it. If it is that bad the outcome could hinge solely on attitude of troops-Iraqi's and terrorists.
Much like coaches in sporting events half time talks that have motivated teams on to victory.

Now who do you think Kerry and Ajazeera are motivating???

If you want my opinion on why Kerry has been dropping in polls and what will kill him in election--it that he has a negative projection.
Both he and Bush were in news conferences before the press and every other statement by Kerry was Bush this, Bush that, this is wrong ect. In Bushes speech he never mentioned Kerry by name one time.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Lets take worst case scenerio and say it is entirely the way Kerry portrays it. If it is that bad the outcome could hinge solely on attitude of troops-Iraqi's and terrorists.
Much like coaches in sporting events half time talks that have motivated teams on to victory.

Now who do you think Kerry and Ajazeera are motivating???

What I find extremely puzzling is that you, as a Vietnam vet, would come anywhere near advocating a sunny portrayal when the truth is so far from that.

Misleading the country about the state of the war in Vietnam is probably the biggest black mark in this countrys history, or let's say it helped to prolong the biggest black mark.

Blowing smoke up peoples asses, including the troops, is not the way to do things. I thought we learned that in Vietnam.
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