All Star Games


Forum Member
Jan 14, 2014
Why not just name the all Stars and pro bowlers in all all sports and give them the weekend off. I get the money part of it but the games are a joke.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 9, 2003
Why not just name the all Stars and pro bowlers in all all sports and give them the weekend off. I get the money part of it but the games are a joke.

It'd b great if the NBA adopted the idea that baseball does w their all-star game & award the winning conference home court advantage for the Finals. I'd b greatly interested in the NBA all-star game if these guys played the game hard from beginning to end. It'd b a great game to watch. Last nites game was a joke & I turned it on for the 4th quarter hoping to see some competive basketball but not even close.

The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
All-star games should simply recognize the players.

If I were making 10 million a year or more - no fucking way would I risk injury on a meaningless game.

No wonder the game sucked. Who would want to risk it?

Lastly, I think the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am should be adopted for All-star games. Simply recognize the players and let Bill Murray shoot a couple free throws and maybe watch George Clooney throw a twenty yard pass to Adele.


Forum Member
Feb 14, 2016
Great Lakes
It'd b great if the NBA adopted the idea that baseball does w their all-star game & award the winning conference home court advantage for the Finals. I'd b greatly interested in the NBA all-star game if these guys played the game hard from beginning to end. It'd b a great game to watch. Last nites game was a joke & I turned it on for the 4th quarter hoping to see some competive basketball but not even close.

With all due respe respect....

I can't think of a worse idea.


Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
Great must enjoy 3 hours of uncontested dunks & 3 pointers by these great athletes.

The problem is basketball is much more of a team sport than baseball. Players need familiarity with each other, to execute plays and schemes. even if it "mattered" and decided home court advantage it would still just be a glorified scrimmage.
95% of baseball is just batter vs pitcher.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I know when I was young I loved the all star games..particularly the al vs the n.l. allstar game.....used to be a real rivalry with all those great old stars going up against one another year after year....we didn`t have wall-to-wall coverage of every game in every league....we seldom(never) got to see the great,great stars of the national league short of their baseball cards...

mays,clemente,gibson,koufax,drysdale,stargell ,johnny callison,lou brock,eddie Mathews,ernie banks,mccovey,juan marichal,ron santo,billy williams.....every year all these greats get out there vs mantle,brooks robinson,al kaline,tony oliva,bluemoon odom,,yaz,rod carew,maris,colavito,killebrew...the deck was pretty well stacked in the n.l.`s favor but it seemed like you had an allegiance and it meant something......probably seemed that way because I was a little kid....but,again,it was rare when you got to see some of these guys play...I remember hearing about clemente`s great arm and then got to see him throw out a runner with one of his patented laser shots from right field...

but, the availability of every game and the advent of free agency changed things quite a bit....guys changing teams like they change their socks....

♫ memories....memories ♫..........:lol:

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
It'd b great if the NBA adopted the idea that baseball does w their all-star game & award the winning conference home court advantage for the Finals. I'd b greatly interested in the NBA all-star game if these guys played the game hard from beginning to end. It'd b a great game to watch. Last nites game was a joke & I turned it on for the 4th quarter hoping to see some competive basketball but not even close.

too much at stake for these owners to allow their multimillion dollar investment to play w/the kind of rigor in this setting..

owners know already that the season is 30 games to many now..putting their investments in injury prone positions that doesn't bring one dime to their franchise or arena is bad business to begin with.

you add on that EVERY NBA CONTRACT IS GUARENTEED and these owners would if put before the fire would tell everyone that 2 days rest and back to making me money back in my business is what they want..

NBA players are BRANDS within themselves now as well...many are 100 million dollar generators for themselves,their corporations and those who sponsor them

THE LAST THING THEY ALL WANT IS A GAME that has any lasting ill effect on those businesses.

they need to shyt can the game entirely along w/the NFL following suit and shty canning that poor excuse for a paid vacation for players and their families..


Forum Member
Feb 14, 2016
Great Lakes
Great must enjoy 3 hours of uncontested dunks & 3 pointers by these great athletes.

I'm really not sure what baseball All Star game you are watching. But to throw out there that all those players on the field actually give give a shit about the game during the break in the grind of the season is a joke. Just cuz some commish in the pockets of the owners puked an earlier scrimmage one year and decided on his own that it's outcome means home field advatage doesn't mean anybody actually believes it's a good idea. Trotting out pitchers every three seconds because the quasi mgrs for each side doesn't want anybody to get butt hurt not playing doesn't tell me everybody is all in on a victory. If Greinke is throwing a perfect game he's still gonna be pulled. Sounds like you're the only person on or off the field that thinks everyone cares about winning that game.

As far as an NBA All Star game, only an idiot would sit and watch that crap product for more than 2 mins of highlights. Let alone care about it as much as you do. Get a life.
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