That is pretty funny, I saw those yeterday on another website!
:topic:Is she a crank head or what? She needs to stop sniffing butts and eat some meat! That had to be the stupidest thing I have ever seen, I don't watch much regular TV but I was flipping back and forth between two basketball games the other night and I stopped on Fox for something! And there it was, Ally McBeal taking a big wiff of Jon Bon Jovi's Keester! Man I thought the Chair and the Chamber and The Real World were ridiculous but man that is a waste of airtime right there!:nono:
Get this crap off of the Tube at night and put it on during the day where it competes for Soap ratings and put on some NBA or NCAA hoops or show reruns of NFL Films ( man I have got to start doing something with my spare time instead of ranting about sports, it's not healthy!):topic: