PROS: Very cheap beer for the buzz - $2.99 a six-pack at Walgreen's, and the artwork on the can is ok.
CONS: The taste and smell makes me want to puke. Seriously, I have a hard time keeping it down. The only way to drink it is to plug your nose and chug it down as fast as possible.
Appearance - pour a flat yellow/straw color. Impressive snowy head of two fingers strong. Holds up pretty nicely and has a decent creamy look to it as it fades back.
Aroma - husky grain, standard macro sniff.
Taste - grain, slightly sweet, not much depth. The swallow and finish fizzle, no development to be had. From the land of hops, where's the love? Somewhat Miller-ish, which could mean there should be no delays in the effort to dispatch of the brew before it hit 50 degrees or higher. Grainy finish, a bit watery but for the style holds together okay. Vegetal notes start creeping in, drink 'em up! *Edit - to be fair, I am bumping the score after the beer has warmed a bit. It holds up better than expected, which is to say, it doesn't get gross or make me hurl in my mouth a bit. Up to 'not impressed' woo hoo! Actually, I'd go as high as 2.25 if they allowed quarter-points.
Mouthfeel - crisp but feels a little undercarbonated just the same. Definitely doesn't have the body it needs.
Drinkability - value purchase at Walgreen's. Keep the Benjamins at bay and toss a few Washingtons in the mix. $3.33 a sixer. I got every penny's worth...unfortunately more pennies are needed, and I may have overpaid. Not to be overly harsh, I would ice 'er down and knock a few back after the yard work or cutting up some wood. But as a social lubricant, this beer will not be the positive subject of any discussion.