Am I the only one getting murdered lately?


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 28, 2009
Lost about 60% of my bankroll since SB Sunday. part of that was my fault because I wagered on too many prop bets (betting on who kicks off first is really, really stupid.

But I lost a lot on Monday. Tuesday was a massacre. Wednesday was my softest day, and I still lost half a dime.


I don't post my picks a lot because I'm a relative novice at handicapping basketball. Football is my sport. Am I horrid, or is anyone else having an unusually bad week?


Move the line!
Forum Member
May 4, 2005
Bellevue, Nebraska
DW, something that happens, not to everyone, right after the SB is that the lines that get put out from the Oddsmakers are very tight, this is when they can recoup any losses they may have endured, if any, so everyone that does any capping at all, really has to dig for every edge they can.

Break down the teams you like, why do you like them, how have they done the last few games, look at trends to help some, but how a team has played the last 3 games, 5 games, 7 games, gives you a pattern as well, as injuries happen, trades happen, and teams start to wear down or gel.

One team that is hot of late and we gave them crap all year is the Lakers, but their schedule is softer now as well.

Cavs have been money of late as well, especially playing totals of over with them.

Pick you spots, analyze why you like the team and how much confidence do you have that team will win or cover by. Use power ratings if you can as well, as they give some type of number to expect from the bookmakers, they aren't always winners, but if you can come out 53% ahead, you should make a lil money.

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Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
happens to everyone DWARE just reduce your bet % lower that is like if you have $1000 bank cut your % down to 1.5 % and only i game per night.

Been at this for decades learned the wise guys system and rules 12 years ago and havent had a losing year yet 3 pro sports only NFL NBA MLB
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War Eagle
Forum Member
Sep 30, 2012
Bet less play but more money.. I went 2-0 last night and won 2k. You can do your own scale but if you normally bet 5 games at $100 a pop for instance, pick the best one play for 500
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Billy in 4C

Ive been getting murdered, start to double think your places and get lost sometimes, you'll bounce back if you stick to your gut
I havent lost in my last 10 outtings playing poker, or i would need to quit for a couple weeks, playing nugs tonite small


Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
Rod Stewart is my neighbor!
I have been running bad I have to agree on the tight lines I have been taking days off I'm 3-8 in nba since SB Sunday and that safety cost me my winning square and I also talked myself out of putting money on there would be a safety so it was a double whammy just hang in there these things happen
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