American Idol Round of 6


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
These are the current spoilers floating around the net today. I don't have anything first hand, but I'll post and hopefully it's right. I guess it doesn't really matter.

The theme is inspirational songs. They sing tonight and presumably have info about tomorrow nights concert which should be a big bore with presumably an elimination in there somewhere.

Chris - "If I could change the world" Eric Clapton. I know it sounds morbid, but I think he's trying to piggyback the VT tragedy. might be enough to save him one more week, but going first if these are right is bad.

Melinda - "There will come a day" Faith Hill. Never heard of it. Don't care. Enjoy finishing 2nd or 3rd.

Blake- "Imagine" John Lennon. Cool choice imo, could do lots with the song.

Lakisha- "I Believe" Copycat performance of Fantasias Idol winner song. Supposedly does it really well, but I can't see her not being in bottom 3.

Idiot Asshole - "The Change" Garth Brooks. Now that this idiot thinks he's a country star, he's gonna go country on out. He knows he can't win, but wants a country record deal. He would appeal to all the gay country music listeners. Go home Phil, your 15 minutes is up.

Jordin - "You'll Never walk alone" music from some musical Carousel. She's closing the show if these are right and for sure not leaving us. Found it interesting in her bio pre-show she was listed as a plus size model. LOL. The cameras do all they can to hide it, but this girl is a linebacker. But at 17, she can sing.

Blake and Jordin should be safe for another week, my two horses. Literally with Jordin.

If I had to guess, I'd say Chris, Phil, and Lakisha in the bottom 3, with gun to my head, chris going home. Going first sucks if this list is correct. Maybe its wrong and all speculation.

Melinda Doolittle NOT to win -131 x 5

Chris R to be eliminated + 209 x 2

Still pending:

Melinda over Lakisha last longer

50 shares of Blake

50 shares of Jordin

Can Phil please go home. Should be a boring night without Sanjaya and his sister.

Sorry if these are wrong, just taken off the net. No sources or nothing.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Just my opinion but I like your choices. Personally, I think Jordin is the only one out of the bunch that has the look of an Idol. Whatever that is?
Are there any odds yet that Sanjaya's sister is a contestant next year?


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
Just my opinion but I like your choices. Personally, I think Jordin is the only one out of the bunch that has the look of an Idol. Whatever that is?
Are there any odds yet that Sanjaya's sister is a contestant next year?

To my knowledge, I think they mentioned this year that anyone who made Hollywood week cannot be a contestant in future years.



Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
more spoilers....again not sure of the validity. apparently today's show was taped yesterday because of the give back show. not sure i believe it, but worth adding another play:


liked chris...kind of a surprise

loved no surprise

blake....mixed reviews. boring for randy. other two liked it

lakisha....apparently gets crushed by the judges for shouting. no one really likes her. for phil and his gay country vocal ever on the show according to them.

again, this could be false and maybe market manipulation, but I'm adding lakisha to go home.

Lakisha to be eliminated + 183 x 4

Isn't it quite obvious the producers and execs want Jordin to win? Going last a lot and constant praise. Just hope Blake can make the top 3 or 2 with her.



Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
haven't seen it yet, but damn........jordin rose a boatload on the wsex market. now the leader selling for 47. love it!!!

she must have done real well

glad the spoilers were accurate



Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I'm firmly with your final two - I went with that weeks ago, but I think Blake is weakening. I thought his Lennon performance was really weak, personally, and I really have liked him the most prior to the last two weeks - which admittedly were tough for his style. Jordin was the best again, and has to be the clear favorite, but her youth and the pressure may come in to play winding down - I don't think Melinda feels that and I still say if Fantasia can win this, Melinda possibly could.

Phil was terrible doing the Garth song, which was a bad Garth song to start with. I see on Dial Idol he is ranking second again - I just can't believe it. I personally liked Chris again...I thought he was smooth and heartfelt with the Clapton song.

I think it might be Chris going home tonight. I guess that's my pick.


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Forum Member
Aug 31, 2002
Chicago, Tempe
Chris or Lakisha are going are going home tonight - Lakisha just seems mean, although she probably isn't.

Bleed - I agree 100% with your points - I am really, really starting to dislike Melinda. A lot. Good singer - but you know where she belongs - AS A FREAKING BACKUP.

Phil look like a cancer patient and really proves the theory that 99% of white guys can't pull off bald heads...especially skinny, pale ones that look like aliens. His voice actually is pretty good, good range, but he just doesnt' have it. I was dying laughing at your "Idiot Asshole" comment. I am suprised he has a decent looking wife...nice pull for him.

Jordin is going to win. She has the look, the great dad from a great school (Phillippi Sparks from ASU :142smilie )...and the range to boot. I got her at 4-1 a few weeks ago, when I thought Blake was going to win. Now, I think its down to either Blake/Jordin or Melinda/Jordin, with Jordin winning.


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Was it just me or were the judges very generous with their praise this round. I thought it was a pretty bad week overall but they seemed to love everything. Phil was terrible but I think they get rid of someone else this week.


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
Was it just me or were the judges very generous with their praise this round. I thought it was a pretty bad week overall but they seemed to love everything. Phil was terrible but I think they get rid of someone else this week.

I think they were generall non-condescending because although there is an elimination this evening, its still their "positive" do good for the world week. They want to make it as positive as possible. To be honest, it is for a really good cause and although the show is cheesy as hell and I couldn't watch without wagering, they are doing a lot of good. I've never voted before and actually voted once last night for jordin.

Sun, I agree this is Jordins to lose. She will get every edit job possible and praise from the judges to win. She's the most marketable from the neck up of the remaining women and if not the best singer, the next closest and has a personality.

The biggest indicators of who is leaving with the exception of the week Lakisha got wrongly leaked (I'm still not believing Sanjaya was lowest vote getter) is bookmaker. They have been right every time, and they have lakisha and chris as fav's to go home. I have both so I'm happy and both at a plus price. I'm really gonna score if Lakisha goes home.

gl......go home Phil, just not this week

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Was it just me or were the judges very generous with their praise this round. I thought it was a pretty bad week overall but they seemed to love everything. Phil was terrible but I think they get rid of someone else this week.

i think it was kinda a sigh of relief because that knuclehead was finally knocked off last week. This Jordan girl would be a knockout with some serious training and boy she is a big girl. Scary big. Stevie i know you notice those cute little faces she makes.

Sun Tzu

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Forum Member
Nov 10, 2003
Houston, Texas
This show tonight is just brutal.

Anyway midget host says "most shocking result in AI history."

Melinda and Blake already safe.....I guess Jordin would be shocking but not the other 3....

Bald homo is safe...
Last edited:


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
I could have a nice hit if its Lakisha. Chris R too, although neither one of them is shocking.

I guess its Lakisha if Blake and Melinda are safe. She's the only other one who the tv producers might think is shocking

glad to hear Blake stick around awhile

if its Jordin I'll vomit

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