American Idol Round of 6


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
Two losers get voted off tomorrow.

Bon Jovi songs tonight. I guess AI thinks its edgy, but its really bubble gum pop with a bass line and average guitar riffs. If they want real rock bring some gn'r or metallica. axel rose would quickly set these losers straight. sanjaya would have been great this week.

6 songs:

i only know one so far

chris richardson: wanted dead or alive. good luck loser nasal boy. chris daughtry beat the shit out of this song last year. good luck, you'll need it.

simon was on ellen this week and thinks chris r and phil are in trouble this week.

he thinks melinda and jordin will be the final two although lakisha or blake could sneak in.

no additional plays this week

50 jordin
50 blake

doolitle lasts longer than lakisha

debated playing chris r last longer than phil at +130 as i really thing the "in the navy" man gets sent to sea this week, but unsure how it will be graded as two are going home this week and don't care enough to check into it.



la vita ? buona
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2000

Jessica Sierra special guest performance "cocaine" by Eric Clapton


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
Jordin "plus size model" Sparks - Living on a Prayer....could be great

Phil "going home tonight in a blaze of glory" Stacey- singing blaze of glory. crash and burn loser

Lakisha "plus plus plus size model" - This Ain't a Love Song....never heard of it nor do i care


The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Jordin "plus size model" Sparks - Living on a Prayer....could be great

Phil "going home tonight in a blaze of glory" Stacey- singing blaze of glory. crash and burn loser

Lakisha "plus plus plus size model" - This Ain't a Love Song....never heard of it nor do i care


How come my no neck comment stuck but what i thought i hit dead on was that Lakisha looks like Warren Sapp with a wig? Sapp has a smaller back tho. This might be what is confusing to some people. On another note if this Phil goof stays im done with this stuff.


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2002
North of Titletown AKA Boston
My thoughts on tonight...

Melinda - Excellent
Blake - Very Good
Phil - Surprisingly good
Lakisha - Good
Chris - Bad, nasally
Jordin - Horrible, Horrendous, Awful, Stunk


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Forum Member
Mar 11, 2000
San Diego CA
Bleed :

As much as agree that Phil should die.

He rocked tonight.

Bro it is our generation of music, and he did good tonight. As much as you are objective about things, you must admit that he rocked.

Step up, and at least give him some credit.


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
I hate Phil. I want to punch him in the face. we will definitely differ on whether he rocked out tonight. I thought he sucked. Just looking at hime makes me want to punch him flush in the face.

Its never been a question of if he can sing. He's got a great voice. I still want to punch him. He's never gonna do anything except gay military porn. And he'll be the bitch for sure. I hate hate hate him.

But I will give you that he can sing. He's just an eyesore.

Jordin- not great, but should be in no danger

Blake- really cool arrangement

Lakisha- best of the night by a friggin mile. man she was great on a song i've never heard before. still might go

Chris- as bad as expected...he's a goner

Melinda- surprisingly pretty good and she didn't look as bad as she could have. the make-up style girls are working overtime on her.

its just a question of who goes home with chris r. tomorrow....lakisha or phil or blake.....melinda and jordin are going nowhere.

if somehow melinda could go home that would be incredibly awesome for me.



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Aug 31, 2002
Chicago, Tempe
Part of "it" is having a look - And Phil looks like he is in chemo. No disrespect to any cancer patients here - but he looks sickly.

He needs to go - But there is no way Chris makes it - and I think Chris and Phil are gone tonight.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i`ve watched this train wreck for the last 4 weeks and i`ve come to the conclusion that simon is fellating the kid with the adenoids on a semi-regular basis(or at the very least getting a "dirty sanchez")....that "dead or alive" rendition was shameful,imo...

if simon isn`t a poofter,then teddy kennedy`s a lifeguard....

i will cop to enjoying dancing with the stars,though....those female dancers certainly endeavor to render satisfaction......

they`re real pissers...


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Only one thing that stood out for me last night was how awful Jordin was. That was a really awkward, awful performance, and her age really came to the forefront as I feared it would. As evidenced by Lakisha and Melinda, she could have picked a song that she could at least hide out on...that was abysmal...and considering how close last week's vote was, she may not be as safe as we all think. It's getting down to the nitty gritty now, and one bad performance could catch up with anyone. And that was a BAAAAD performance.

My take on things:

Melinda - Nice job, great attitude, starting to pull off the Tina Turner idea. Top three, and maybe two, if Jordin stumbles again. She has done well in tough weeks for her style.

Blake - Pushed the envelope and it was a great performance. Did enough of the real song powerfully enough. I think he knows he has to be edgy - and on point singing - to win this. His raw voice will not win it, but his coolness just might.

Phil - Simply, he sang a great song very well. I see no reason he goes home based on last night. He was not the worst two in the past two weeks, I don't think.

Lakisha - The best last night. Really a powerful performance that could save her. But I doubt it.

Chris - Had some nice moments in the song, made it through ok, but the 2nd worst of the night. I think he is the clear choice to go home.

Jordin - As bad as it gets, and it was so bad it opens her up to worry moving forward. Not one of the others have had as bad a performance as that one, IMO. Probably lives to help us forget last night, though.

My predictions are the same as last week, with Chris and Lakisha going home. I don't think Lakisha deserves that fate based on last night, though...


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Jul 13, 1999
i`ve watched this train wreck for the last 4 weeks
i've never even seen 1 second of the show and something tells me i haven't missed a damn thing. :D

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
To be honest i thought they all did a good job and I think Jordan is getting a raw deal here. I taped it and watched her again and i don't see what was so awful about it. I thought the guy with the fat nose kinda stole the show. That was kinda neat, his performance.
Somebody told no neck to grow her hair a little longer and it is starting to payoff because it looks like she is growing a neck too. Simon kisses Sapp i almost puked. It looks like Simon is starting to compliment the people he wants to win so he could sell more records.
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