let's just assume those numbers are accurate. they're from ron johnson, so probably not. but let's run with them for argument's sake. how many humans do you think were given a covid vaccine vs how many humans took a dewormer pill for horses? let's see... assuming these numbers are just for the US... over 300M people... almost all now eligible for the vaccine... there's been 4 rounds now... ok, complete guess, but i'd say roughly 500M covid vaccines have been injected into americans' arms. so 0.3% have had an adverse reaction. and we don't even know from that nonsense what is considered an adverse reaction. maybe just a rash around the injection area. who the fuck knows. anyway, considering tens of thousands of lives were saved by that vaccine, i'd say that's pretty good. so thank you ron johnson, for proving the vaccine was a damn good idea.
i'll go out on a limb and say exactly 4,265 morons have taken ivermectin. that works out to... hmmm, let me double check my math... oh, it's 100%. so 100% adverse reaction and not one single life saved. good stuff.