Andrea Mitchell, These Obama Interviews Are Fake

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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
whoa...she was pissed.....:scared

kudos to an nbc journalist for not just rolling over in spontaneous orgasm..... case you didn`t get it,kosar..what she was saying is that the whole thing was staged and journalists were censored......kept from asking real questions....

it was a photo op,nothing more...

imo,there would have been few tough questions anyway,so,it`s really not that big a deal...

but boy,for an obama sycophant,she was righteously p.o.`ed that she wasn`t included in the love fest.....and took out some of her frustrations...

i`m sure she`ll get an ear full from the nbc brass for going off the reservation....


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2008
whoa...she was pissed.....:scared

kudos to an nbc journalist for not just rolling over in spontaneous orgasm..... case you didn`t get it,kosar..what she was saying is that the whole thing was staged and journalists were censored......kept from asking real questions....

it was a photo op,nothing more...

imo,there would have been few tough questions anyway,so,it`s really not that big a deal...

but boy,for an obama sycophant,she was righteously p.o.`ed that she wasn`t included in the love fest.....and took out some of her frustrations...

i`m sure she`ll get an ear full from the nbc brass for going off the reservation....

Hey Garden this is from an interview with Katie Couric. The Messiah doesn't like to answer tough questions it looks like. Whay a joke he is. Yet all these libs think he is so great. The guy is an empty suit. A typical Chicago Politician when it comes to tough questions. I am from Chicago so I know about the politics that are played here.

Couric: But talking microcosmically, did the surge, the addition of 30,000 additional troops ... help the situation in Iraq?

Obama: Katie, as ? you've asked me three different times, and I have said repeatedly that there is no doubt that our troops helped to reduce violence. There's no doubt.

Couric: But yet you're saying ? given what you know now, you still wouldn't support it ? so I'm just trying to understand this.

Obama: Because ? it's pretty straightforward. By us putting $10 billion to $12 billion a month, $200 billion, that's money that could have gone into Afghanistan. Those additional troops could have gone into Afghanistan. That money also could have been used to shore up a declining economic situation in the United States. That money could have been applied to having a serious energy security plan so that we were reducing our demand on oil, which is helping to fund the insurgents in many countries. So those are all factors that would be taken into consideration in my decision-- to deal with a specific tactic or strategy inside of Iraq.

Couric: And I really don't mean to belabor this, Senator, because I'm really, I'm trying ? to figure out your position. Do you think the level of security in Iraq ?

Obama: Yes.

Couric ? would exist today without the surge?

Obama: Katie, I have no idea what would have happened had we applied my approach, which was to put more pressure on the Iraqis to arrive at a political reconciliation. So this is all hypotheticals. What I can say is that there's no doubt that our U.S. troops have contributed to a reduction of violence in Iraq. I said that-- not just today, not just yesterday, but I've said that-- previously. What that doesn't change is that we've got to have a different strategic approach if we're going to make America as safe as possible.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
whoa...she was pissed.....:scared

kudos to an nbc journalist for not just rolling over in spontaneous orgasm..... case you didn`t get it,kosar..what she was saying is that the whole thing was staged and journalists were censored......kept from asking real questions....

it was a photo op,nothing more...

imo,there would have been few tough questions anyway,so,it`s really not that big a deal...

but boy,for an obama sycophant,she was righteously p.o.`ed that she wasn`t included in the love fest.....and took out some of her frustrations...

i`m sure she`ll get an ear full from the nbc brass for going off the reservation....

From what I understand, their were over 200 requests for press passes and only 40 granted. She must have been one of the ones denied.

And then, she stumbles around trying to answer Chris Matthews' questions saying, 'well, I really can't say because i'm not there.'

This thread is about 'fake interviews.'

Show it. Show these fake interviews.

You rightfully talk about that idiot stw and his stupid threads, but you run with this?

Be consistent. That's all I ask.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
From what I understand, their were over 200 requests for press passes and only 40 granted. She must have been one of the ones denied.

And then, she stumbles around trying to answer Chris Matthews' questions saying, 'well, I really can't say because i'm not there.'

This thread is about 'fake interviews.'

Show it. Show these fake interviews.

You rightfully talk about that idiot stw and his stupid threads, but you run with this?

Be consistent. That's all I ask.

agree..."staged" would be more apropos than "fake"....

the "sandles" tour continues...


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
A, forget it Kosar covered it well. I wonder who that was i mean who's voice?