What's the saying...quality over quantity, that's it. Neeme's vlog still destroying Trooper, IMO. For one thing, he's a much better poker player and his hand analysis/breakdowns are very interesting. He basically is himself, which I think is drawing people in....vs the Troop who always seems to feel need to put on the show (talking to imaginary people, etc). That stuff is amusing but after a while it's old and the vlog really boils down to the content. I still like and follow the Troop but Neeme is just much better IMO. I think his rapid increase in subs would validate that opinion.
The production and video quality for Neeme has gotten much better. His drone over Detroit at night closing out this last vlog was beautifully done- 26:20 until the end.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/kgeJI8bAVWU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>