I dunno, but if we're gonna try and be fair across the board, this kind of stuff probably shouldn't be allowed either.
In all honesty, I always thought the "General Discussion" forum was to discuss other things THAN sports! I actually thought it was a really good idea to create such a thread, b/c like most people, talking about the same stuff over and over can become quite boring. In the past, it was not surprising to see the "General Discussion" forum getting more attention than the "Sports" forums. It's been a place where you can learn a whole bunch about people that you've never met. It has probably done more in the creation of friends, than all the other threads combined. I'll be honest, I get kind of bored talking about the same subject over and over. Thinking about particular sporting events 24-7 has to be somewhat unhealthy. The "General Discussion" forum has allowed folks an out to discuss other things that might have been on their mind. It's really one of the things that separated Madjacks from everyone else.
Well, I believe it's about time to fold up the tent, and move on. I hope all you fellas continue to have much success in this ever difficult game of gambling. CYA!