Another DJT accusation

Revolutionary Intentions

Forum Member
Sep 7, 2024
Is there one you have actually believed? I don't know if it's true or false, but there sure are a lot.

I guess it’s my way to give benefit of the doubt in he said/she saids. I gave Bill Clinton the benefit of the doubt, even voting for him, despite numerous allegations and payoffs. And, i didn’t get on Clinton for banging that heavyset intern in the oval office, although I probably would at this stage of my life.

But, this one’s even different than those. This is just a totally phony anecdote. He was undressing me and himself with his eyes. 🤣🤣 This is an old, irrelevant former actress looking to boost sales of her memoir with a phony anecdote imo


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
I guess it’s my way to give benefit of the doubt in he said/she saids. I gave Bill Clinton the benefit of the doubt, even voting for him, despite numerous allegations and payoffs. And, i didn’t get on Clinton for banging that heavyset intern in the oval office, although I probably would at this stage of my life.

But, this one’s even different than those. This is just a totally phony anecdote. He was undressing me and himself with his eyes. 🤣🤣 This is an old, irrelevant former actress looking to boost sales of her memoir with a phony anecdote imo
You didn't care about him getting found liable for rape, why should we care what you care about more accusations?
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