Another Republican in Trouble


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Sounds so much like Charles Jefferson - I assume the righties will cast equal outrage in his direction, yes? What a great group the GOP congress has been the last couple years - Foley the pervert pedophile, Craig the pervert, DeLay the criminal, Ney/Abramoff, Duke Cunningham, Renzi, Ted Stevens....ah, too many to list.,2933,331872,00.html

WASHINGTON ? The U.S. Attorney's office in Arizona has indicted Republican Rep. Rick Renzi on federal fraud charges relating to an alleged illegal land deal and its cover-up, and Renzi is facing calls for his early retirement.

The charges include conspiracy, wire fraud, money laundering, concealment of money laundering, transactions with criminally derived funds, extortion, insurance fraud and criminal forfeiture.

Click here to read the full indictment.

Renzi, a three-term congressmen, already said he would not seek re-election. In the sweeping indictment, federal authorities charged Renzi with a host of charges connected to a land-swap arrangement Renzi tried to execute in Arizona. His initial court appearance is scheduled for March 6.

"Public corruption creates a cynicism for government and unfairly stains legions of honest public servants," Assistant Attorney General Alice S. Fisher said in a statement. "These charges represent allegations that Congressman Renzi defrauded the public of his unbiased, honest services as an elected official."

A statement released by Renzi's lawyers criticized the timing of the indictment, which comes a day after Renzi's father's funeral.

"Yesterday morning, Congressman Renzi buried his father and best friend, Major General Eugene Renzi at Arlington National Cemetery. Just hours later, as his family mourned his father's passing, the media informed him that the Department of Justice had brought charges against him," Renzi lawyers Reid Weingarten and Kelly B. Kramer said in a prepared statement.

"We are very dissapointed that the Department of Justice would not allow a decent amount of time to pass to allow a son to mourn the passing of his father. We are disappointed that there have been repeated leaks in the face of strict grand jury secrecy rules.

"And we fear that the Department of Justice may have allowed the investigation to have been influenced by political considerations, which should never have a place in the administration of justice.

"Congressman Renzi did nothing wrong. We will fight these charges until he is vindicated and his family's name is restored."

The indictment also names business associate James Sandlin, and Maryland attorney Andrew Beardall. The indictment also refers to two companies involved in the transactions, Company A and Investment Group B.

Prosecutors allege Renzi criminally concealed information about land deals to both Company A and Investment Group B, and used his seat on the House Natural Resources Committee to try to force their hand.

The indictment says Renzi was trying to help his business associate, Sandlin, finish paying off an $800,000 loan Sandlin owed to Renzi. Renzi was in financial straits and needed the money, according to the court documents filed Friday.

Following 2005 payments by Investment Group B to Sandlin, Sandlin paid Renzi $733,000, and Renzi moved the money through several accounts, eventually using $325,000 to pay outstanding taxes.

The indictment says Renzi also never claimed the $733,000 in his 2006 House financial disclosure statements.

Beardall, the Maryland attorney, is accused of assisting Renzi and Sandlin in an insurance fraud scheme.

Renzi resigned his committee assignments last year and announced he would not stand for re-election this fall as news of the investigation unfolded.

During his time in Congress, Renzi took pride in bringing home federal dollars to his mostly rural district, stretching from north of Tucson to the northeastern Navajo reservations. That's a stark contrast compared to the rest of the Arizona delegation.

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is well-known for his anti-pork stance. And Republican Arizona Representatives Jeff Flake and John Shadegg are two of the most active fighters against earmarks in the House.

Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, hinted at calling for Renzi's resignation but did not directly call for him to step down.

"I have made it clear that I will hold our Members to the highest standards of ethical conduct. The charges contained in this indictment are completely unacceptable for a Member of Congress, and I strongly urge Rep. Renzi to seriously consider whether he can continue to effectively represent his constituents under these circumstances," said Boehner, the highest-ranked Republican in the House.

"I expect to meet with Rep. Renzi at the earliest possible opportunity to discuss this situation and the best option for his constituents, our Conference, and the American people," Boehner said.

Renzi also is the Arizona chairman for McCain's presidential campaign. McCain seemed surprised when asked in Indianapolis for his reaction to the indictment, choosing his words carefully, shaking his head and speaking slowly.

"I'm sorry. I feel for the family; as you know, he has 12 children," McCain told reporters on the presidential campaign trail. "But I don't know enough of the details to make a judgment. These kinds of things are always very unfortunate.... I rely on our Department of Justice and system of justice to make the right outcome."

But Democrats jumped on the Republicans' misfortune.

Howard Shanker, the Democrat running to succeed Renzi, called on the embattled congressman to step down, calling it unfortunate that his constituents "have had to live in the shadow of Mr. Renzi's asserted dirty dealings for so long."

He added that Renzi "has not been focused on helping his constituents, our Congressional District, or our country, for almost a year. It is unfortunate that we can hold so little faith or trust in our elected representatives. ... It is time for Mr. Renzi to step down, so that his seat can be filled by a public servant who is dedicated to the honest and effective representation."

Shanker was joined by the Democrats' congressional arm, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which seeks to boost its party's numbers in the House.

"Today?s news of Congressman Rick Renzi?s indictment is sad and unfortunate for the people of the First District of Arizona. They deserve better," DCCC spokesman Doug Thornell said.

"Hopefully, Congressman Renzi will put the interests of his district first and do what is best for his constituents. Democrats will continue to fight hard to turn this seat blue and rebuild the trust of the people of Northern Arizona."

Other Troubles in the House

Renzi is the second sitting House Member under indictment. Also under indictment and facing trial on corruption charges is Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., whose trial was scheduled to start next week in federal court in Alexandria, Va., but now has been delayed.

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, remains under criminal indictment in Texas.

In separate inquiries, the Feds also are probing the top Republican on the House Appropriations Committee, Rep. Jerry Lewis, R-Calif.; Rep. John Doolittle, R-Calif.; Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska; and Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska. Stevens is the most senior Republican in the Senate.

Earlier this week, authorities released former Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, from a minimum-security federal prison in West Virginia. He had been serving time there for trying to peddle influence for former lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Ney is now in a halfway house in Cincinnati.

Former Rep. Duke Cunningham, R-Calif., remains behind bars for his conviction two years ago in an influence-peddling scheme. This week, defense contractor Brent Wilkes, who bought Cunningham's influence, was sentenced to 12 years in prison in connection to the investigation.

FOX News' Ian McCaleb and Chad Pergram and The Associated Press contributed to this report.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Would you like to wager on which one stays in office longer after they were indicted?

Before you wager you might want to consider
Foley/ Franks
--and then there is always your liberal leader Kennedy.

Glad to see you out a fair and balanced network for a change though--you'll be surprised what you find there. ;)


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I think that answers your question, smurph. That would be a "no, I will not cast a similar outrage because it is a republican" change of subject, by nibbling around the subject.

How very Cheney of you, Wayne...;)

Might as well throw up a Sandy Berger link for us again, while you're at it...



Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Would you like to wager on which one stays in office longer after they were indicted?
Renzi refuses to step down, JUST LIKE JEFFERSON, JUST LIKE CRAIG. Same same. Why do you continue to try to rationalize out of the obvious? Even though your boys continue to break the law in massive numbers, you still think there is something inherintly better about them - like your perverts and extortionists go about their crimes in a better way or something.

Reflexive Property of Equality

The property that a = a. One of the equivalence properties of equality.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Renzi refuses to step down, JUST LIKE JEFFERSON, JUST LIKE CRAIG. Same same. Why do you continue to try to rationalize out of the obvious? Even though your boys continue to break the law in massive numbers, you still think there is something inherintly better about them - like your perverts and extortionists go about their crimes in a better way or something.

Reflexive Property of Equality

The property that a = a. One of the equivalence properties of equality.

Once again
Would like to wager on which one stays in office longer after they were indicted?

The Rebs clean their own house generally

classic examples
Party has Nixon step down after bugging Dem headquarters

55 Dems in Senate vote Clinton not guilty of pergury resulting in failure to get 66% and he serves out his term.


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
classic examples
Party has Nixon step down after bugging Dem headquarters

Wow, some nice revisionist history going on with this statement. Par for the course for you, Dogs. The Party had him step down? Comical if not so pathetically WRONG!

From Wikipedia...

Undeniable evidence, spoken by Nixon and recorded on tape, revealed that he had obstructed justice and attempted to cover up the break-in.[4][7] This recorded conversation later became known as the Smoking Gun. After a series of court battles, the United States Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the President must hand over the tapes; he ultimately complied. With certainty of an impeachment in the House of Representatives and of a conviction in the Senate, Nixon resigned ten days later, becoming the only U.S. President to have resigned from office.[8][9]


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
The Rebs clean their own house generally

To your point, have the rebs cleaned Craig or Renzi out of their house yet?

And the difference between the two parties, is that one of them supposedly stands for (and takes political credit for) higher morality and ethics...and then does the exact opposite. For this, the Rebs are not only posers, they are more reprehensible, in many ways.
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