Good friend of my brother in law married 13 years was blind sided by wife wanting divorce. (he's really a great guy, but a babe in the woods, she's the only sex partner he has had, and sex was once a month at best.)
She really took advantage of "Tom" separate bills, even at restaurants, insisted his car be in his name only, (he paid for it out of his meager funds, he's a music teacher).
He was short on money at a restaurant once, and she "loaned" him $2.14, which she insisted he pay back.
They bought a house together, that sounds like a no brainer to me.
She has a million dollar bank account from an inheritance. All accounts are of course, separate.
Not sure if the inheritance is in a trust or what, he does not seem to know when I pressed him.
She had papers drawn up, and thinks he is just simply going to sign off and go away broke. He's a good kid, but realizes now he's been had, but he's not the super vindictive type, though he is realizing he is entitled to some recourse.
He needs a good attorney obviously, any thoughts on settlement or proceedings he would expect?
Its Oklahoma, a community property state.
She really took advantage of "Tom" separate bills, even at restaurants, insisted his car be in his name only, (he paid for it out of his meager funds, he's a music teacher).
He was short on money at a restaurant once, and she "loaned" him $2.14, which she insisted he pay back.
They bought a house together, that sounds like a no brainer to me.
She has a million dollar bank account from an inheritance. All accounts are of course, separate.
Not sure if the inheritance is in a trust or what, he does not seem to know when I pressed him.
She had papers drawn up, and thinks he is just simply going to sign off and go away broke. He's a good kid, but realizes now he's been had, but he's not the super vindictive type, though he is realizing he is entitled to some recourse.
He needs a good attorney obviously, any thoughts on settlement or proceedings he would expect?
Its Oklahoma, a community property state.