I will post some of the e-mails here...
I will post some of the e-mails here...
But a little description first. I was told to go to a few websites, and post a job on the sites and then freelancers will stop by and pick up the jobs. (Usually cheaper this way, and I like to shop if you will.) Well this company e-mailed me saying they stay anonymous and don't join in the forums, but they pick-up jobs from them and they do it as a company. The companies name Insite-design.net (You'll notice their website is coming soon, but it was up at one time.)
Here are some of the e-mails:
I am missing the very first e-mail when they contacted me.
Hi there,
Question 1, yes we r familiar with paypal and its shopping cart.
Question 2, Yes, we code in PHP, meaning extreme ease in updating the site, if you want more info on this, please send an email asking about PHP and its advantages.
Question 3, Yes a prototype will be made only with some basic things, things like a flash intro will only be made at the end, but if you would like to see past flash intro's or things that we have made please ask.
Question 4, Yes we are familiar with boards like YaBB, Ikonboard, UBB, VBB, PHPBB, although we dont advice using YaBB we are still very familiar with it, i advice you to use VBB which is more profesional and stable than YaBB. A sample forum we made is for the Internation Becauloriat (International Schooling system) and can be found here:
http://www.insite-design.net/~ibstudents/forum/ (aware; this site is still in prototype fase, no links or search boxes work, the rollover link do not catogarise the links yet.)
Question 5, Yes logo's are included with the site.
Question 6, For the lenght of site we need more information, do you want us include all content? etc? but mainly can take about 2 to 4 weeks. Banners are included.
Cost will be the max that you wanted, which is *** dollars.
Thank you for your time, we hope to be in contact again with you as soon as possible.
Matthew Peacock
Insite-design.net - web solutions
I e-mailed him about YaBB etc., this is his reply!
Well the reason why Yabb is always rated is that it isnt very secure is does exteremely abscure things behinds scenes. We have a version of VBB which you could use under our name if you wish, this isnt illigal as we have checked. VBB isnt named the best bulletin board of the year for nothing, it is a spectaculier script. Anyway, this of course would be your call, we are only here to advise.
We are currently setting up our portfolio page, our last site was taken down, and replaced with a new one, the problem we had with the new one was that some of the coding we had done, was not supported by out host, so we had to wait, but by now it is fixed so we can continue with the site, and this is the reason for our portfolio not being online.
When it is, which will be by tonight or tamarow, i will give you thr URL where you can view webpages, scripts, flash banners, logos, flash intro's, graphics, etc.
Yes, we accept paymenst through paypal, but if you do decide to contract us, we will send you a contract that must be signed, this mainly includes small things such as that you own the site but we have the right to add it to our portfolio, dont worry the contract will only make the deal safer for both of us, and this is a standard procedure.
Just some things, we dont usually work on mondays, and wednesdays, but mostly do end up in the office behind the computers.
If you decide to contract us, you will be emailed a login and password, so you can sign into our clients controlle panel, where we leave messages saying what stages in the development we are at, where to can have chat sessions, and anything else that is communication related, as we see this as very important.
Thank your for your time, and if you have any questions please dont hesitate to send an email, looking forward to a reply.
Matthew Peacock
Matthew Peacock
Insite-design.net - web solutions
Follow up e-mails:
----- Original Message -----
From: TheSportsInfo.com
To: Insite-Design.net -- matt
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 11:43 PM
Subject: Re: webdesign - Insite Design
If I am allowed to use the VBB, is your name on it? Do other people have controls on it? In the url is your name mentioned at all? This is very important, I want it to be branded with our logo, image, etc. and want it somewhat customized...let me know.
I have no problem with the contract once I see a sample of your ideas. I will be honest you seem to be the most knowledgeable group offering their service, but some replies have had some excellent work. (I am excited about that.)
What else do we need to discuss....
Their reply:
HI there, sorry for the late reply,
Yes it will be fully custimized to your website, and wont say a trace of insite-design.
We are currently mapping out some ideas on paper for your site, and should have a prototype sent out to you sometime soon.
Thank you for your kind comments, we have been designing profesionally now for 3 years, but only just started with our new name; Insite-design. In order for us to build of our portfolio, we are looking for projects just like yours.
If you have any questions or comments at all please done hesitate to emails us.
Looking forward to your email,
Matthew Peacock
Matthew Peacock
Insite-design.net - web solutions
More in a dated order:
----- Original Message -----
From: TheSportsInfo.com
To: Insite-Design.net -- matt
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: webdesign - Insite Design
Could I get an estimated time for a least a peek at your work for my site. I have seen others and they are only ok. You as mentioned in the earlier e-mails seem to have the knowledge in all areas, and I am expecting quality work, but I would like to see what type of work you provide.
I look forward to doing business with you.
Hi there,
yes someone is going over the site now, and should have the finsihed protoype by Saturday or Sunday.
I am extremely sorry for not keeping you updated, thats very unprofesional of me,
Best regrads
Matt Peacock
Matthew Peacock
Insite-design.net - web solutions
My messge sent 3-31-02
Just checking back, to see how it was coming. I apologize for being impatient, but with the MLB starting today/tomorrow...it would have helped to start to promote a timeline for the new design. Please keep me posted.
More e-mails, and the first problem:
dated 4-03-02
We thank you so much for keeping contact, the person who was assigned to work on your website (Chris) had an accident in the weekend where he was heavily hurt. He is now out of intensive care and looking a lot better. We contacted all of his clients and assigned them to new people, except you for some reason was not on his client list. This we think is because you were found on a forum a part of a contest and this is probably why you weren't added to his contact list.
You have been assigned to me and 2 others for us to work on, we understand if you wish not to use us anymore for your needs as it was our mistake for you not being added to the list. All the emails which were sent we only just have received as all emails with your name are forwarded to Chris's account.
Once again we are very sorry, and understand your distress about the situation and would still like to help you. The one problem is that the prototype will be redone, although the prototype is on Chris's computer in our office in England we don't want to use it as we don't know how he has been coding it and don't want to mess with his work. We hope if you like, to have a prototype in a couple of days for you.
Hope to hear from you soon, and our apologies,
Matthew Peacock
Matthew Peacock
Insite-design.net - web solutions