I mean the he-she, or spousal variety.
I'm very close to both of them so this has been plaguing me for the past 6 weeks.
She split and has some rather bizarre complaints and justification for her leaving. She is a little too secretive--and there is something messing with her head that no one can figure out--and my most promising assessment seems to be a debt-related issue...credit card irresponsibility type matters. I think that there are a few factors but I believe this is a major one.
I know another couple that went through something similar--almost killed their relationship. I think that debt can fuck with people's heads in a way that is a little beyond my comprehension.
I suppose I need to meet with her and just come out and ask the question as I'm sure she won't volunteer such on her own. A few years back she was concerned about the same and I'm surmising that the situation has gotten worst or remained stagnant.
I'll leave it at that.
Can monetary concerns be so pressing that one would risk ending an 18-year relationship over it? She's running away from something and I think that they had (have) a wonderful relationship so I am rather baffled on this situation and I am desperate to help both parties, if at all possible.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/VLFfSDEA26o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I'm very close to both of them so this has been plaguing me for the past 6 weeks.
She split and has some rather bizarre complaints and justification for her leaving. She is a little too secretive--and there is something messing with her head that no one can figure out--and my most promising assessment seems to be a debt-related issue...credit card irresponsibility type matters. I think that there are a few factors but I believe this is a major one.
I know another couple that went through something similar--almost killed their relationship. I think that debt can fuck with people's heads in a way that is a little beyond my comprehension.
I suppose I need to meet with her and just come out and ask the question as I'm sure she won't volunteer such on her own. A few years back she was concerned about the same and I'm surmising that the situation has gotten worst or remained stagnant.
I'll leave it at that.
Can monetary concerns be so pressing that one would risk ending an 18-year relationship over it? She's running away from something and I think that they had (have) a wonderful relationship so I am rather baffled on this situation and I am desperate to help both parties, if at all possible.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/VLFfSDEA26o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>