Aereola I cant speak of as that was my first time watching him, but his opponent "Spoon" is very mediocre to say the least....he is slow,doesnt have great punching power, nor is his desire to FIGHT there as much as others....he was introduces to fighting late and he is more of the boxing style. He is a local kid from my town, not the town or city he fights out of but went to highschool and played basketball in my hometown, where he resided and got into messing with the ring as he grew....I always told the locals once he got into the COMPETITION or whenever he was matched with someone with power he would be beaten, lastnight was embarrassing to say the least on his end as was beaten all over the ring, to have the commentators of the fighting world hyping him to come to this just goes to show what a name can do for you. His cousin Tim Witherspoon makes it easy for him to be recognized if you will but he is FAR from what the original Spoon was......can he grow into a great fighter or decent fighter, anything can happen but until he lands punches with POWER and a snapping jab I dont see it. Story around town is that he ince sparred with Klitchsko and gave him a very good sparring partner, in fact its said that Klitchsko gave the word on him as the best partner he ever sparred with:shrug: I hope he becomes a good fighter and makes more money in the sport but as for a champion, it will take alot of help from the ringside judges and boxing promoters for that one.
I believe a VERY GOOD upcoming heavywieght I saw a few months back was named Calvin Johnson(if not mistaken) this kid has it ALL....and would be the CHIT out of both of those two in the ring lastnight, possibly at the same time!!! I am gonna google to see if I find any links to the Johnson kid, if I am wrong or stand to be corrected please do so.
I may be mistaken and the kids name may be Marcus Johnson, it was a few months ago and Ive been waiting to see this guy again but failed to record his info as I thought I would recognize the name, Marcus Johnson is a super middleweight. Sorry for misleading anyone off of memory.....another familiar sounding name is Kevin Johnson and I believe that is the guy I was watching, GREAT HANDSPEED, GOOD POWER, and can move well in the ring.