No reputable book will sell them, and no one wants to be bothered by touts.
Also where have you posted your picks for the last several years?
And if you are good enough to sell picks why not just bet them yourself?
You sound like a scumbag like all the other touts.
Look man no reason to get an attitude or call me names.
Yeah obviously I do bet on games but I am also in sales I realize sometimes being a good salesmen is more important than the product you are offering.
I am not here to toot my own horn or say I am the greatest capper who hits 80% b/c I would be lying if I said that.
I am just trying to get my piece of the pie.
The money I make selling picks can help fund my own bets.
Again I don't mean any disrespect toward anyone who post here and I am not going to try to solicit anything to you guys.
I was just asking a question about where I might be able to buy these leads. anybody in sales knows how important having good leads is. my boy knows how to design websites and we are both salesmen so I am just trying to start a business to make extra income. no need to hate on me.
Regardless though I will give y'all my picks free of charge
Here is 2 so far
Clemson -7 over Auburn
UNC + 3 over Georgia