I don't make into this forum very often to answer questions regarding 5Dimes. And it seems I'm more than a little late, but I'll answer anyways.
Not sure what people you know that ever had to jump thru a hoop to get paid. There's more than enough funds available DAILY for payouts in full to any account via PayPal, Neteller, PrePaidATM, SecureBuxx or Western Union. You can check on virtually any of the major posting forums to confirm that most transactions are processed within 15-30 minutes.
Night Owl,
Credit card credit backs & checks are processed on Mondays.
Paypal, Neteller, PrepaidATM, & SecureBuxx redeptions are avialable 7 days a week. Redemptions via these methods are free on Mondays. Same day Western Union payouts are available 7 days a week (customer pays fees on WU).
As for rumors on gambling911. They jump to a lot of conclusions. Yet no one from gambling911 ever bothers to contact anyone regarding the vailidity of their rumor mill. It was posted on their site numerous times that 5Dimes was leaving Unifed Gaming. It hasn't happened and will not happen.
Gambling911 is a valuable site in breaking industry news. They uncover a lot of "juicey" informative news for the players in this industry. It just happened to be that the 5Dimes rumors were not true.
If anyone has any comments or questions, please call the 5Dimes office and ask to speak to a manager regarding any gaming issues they may be concerned with.