Anyone ever got a free upgrade from an Airlines.

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Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 21, 2002
Looking for ways to get an upgrade from coach to business class or possibly first class, just wondering if anyone was fortunate enough to get an upgrade when flying. Please post your stories. Did you get it when checking in at the counter or before hand when booking your tickets?

Thanks for your replies.


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2002
North of Titletown AKA Boston
While returning from our honeymoon, we got to the airport real early, because the second week of our HM we went on a cruise.
Upon arriving at the airport we saw that there was an earlier flight back to Boston that was hours earlier than the one we were scheduled for. we went to the desk to see if we could change to the earlier flight and they said that they could put us on stand-by.

We were told to go to the gate when they were boarding and after everybody was on the plane, if they had any room they would start calling the names of people on the stand-by list.

so we waited and we heard them start calling names and then they called ours. we went up and they told us they had room and gave us our new tickets. When we got to the door of the plane the flight attendent looked at our tickets and to our surprise, she sat us in 1st class!!

Nice way to end our Honeymoon with free drinks and pampering!!


you can do this at the gate with some decent amount of success. helps if there is a girl there so you can flirt a little, but just being nice can get it done. make sure you haven't been an ass to anyone earlier, because all those comments from previous phone calls follow your profile. also, join every flyer club there is so you can show them your card. they don't know how many miles you have unless it's a different color (eg gold, platinum) but they'll know you belong. you can also lie and say you work for another airline. they extend professional courtesy to each other and i've never had anyone ask for ID when I've done it.

bottom line is that they have the power to do it for free, so you can try to talk them into it. sometimes a little tip doesn't hurt, either, like $20. it's worth it for long flights.

oh the other thing too i figured out was that a ticket is basically honored on any airline, with the exception of the discount ones like airtran and southwest. so if you have a cheap ticket for one flight, you can be nice and ask a girl at the gate from another airline to get you on that flight. they'll take your existing ticket and it won't cost you anything.

trouble lately since 9/11 is the number of flights seem to have diminished, so there is less open space on each flight. atleast with the flights I had last year they were mostly packed.
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poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
one thing that always used to work for me was to find the haggiest, nastiest ticket taker lady and woo her into the bathroom and go down on her for about 20 minutes. It kills the time while you are waiting for your flight, and you get 1st class seats every time

Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
the little lady

the little lady

has worked for America West for 15 years.

At the ticket counter its 100-150 for an upgrade. Depending on the miles you are traveling.

Luckily we fly free :D

Heading to Minny first class Friday night.
:director: Hear that Mama ???

Celebrating 14 wonderful years & the wifes 40th :eek:

Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000


the wife works the gates. If coach is oversold they will bump you up free if your dressed nice. The nicer your dressed the better of your chances.
Oh and that 20 tip can cost them their job :nono:
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not banned
Forum Member
Dec 6, 1999
Davenport, Iowa
yeah......i HEARD that :D

you guys headed straight to Mankato, or staying in Minny for a while?

boys coming along, or is it a *honeymoon* trip? ;)


not banned
Forum Member
Dec 6, 1999
Davenport, Iowa
actually *with* Snoopy, or just close to Snoopy, like say the 4th floor? :)

and I still have 2 more tickets available for a fantastic concert at the Target Center on Saturday night. What time does your flight get in on Friday, and what time do you plan on heading out of the cities?
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Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000


Ok what have I been missing on the 4th floor ??? :shrug:

Oh the bars (no topless)

Red eye flight to Minny. Leave Vegas 1am--3am your time.
Getting to Minny around the time you usually get to bed :)
Heading straight to Mankato.

It better be warm !!!!
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not banned
Forum Member
Dec 6, 1999
Davenport, Iowa
ahhhhh......the good 'ol redeye :( bet your scheduled to get into minny at either 6:02 or 6:07....... LOL

(and the 4th floor of MOA is the bar floor, and now i think they have a bowling alley too, although that may have closed already) they added a Krispy Kreme on the 3rd floor east side.

you'd like The Great American Sports Bar if you've never been there. (and maybe even Hooters too ;) )

sorry i can't give you better news about the weather, cuz it's still only supposed to be low to mid 30's for the weekend, but it beats the WAY below zero of the last couple of days :D
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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Since I have been at a major airline for 14 years and my latest ex 15 yrs. most of which was with me. I can tell you this, lying generally gets you nowhere. The agents get that crap day and night and could not care less what airline you say you work for...because they immediately know you are full of shit because if you worked for an airline you wouldn't be up at the desk bothering her during the busiest time of her day. That lie is an obvious one and keep in mind the reason you don't get asked for your federally issued "airline I.D." required to work at any U.S. airport, is because if you don't produce it it is a criminal offense. If you choose to flirt you will most certainly piss off the mechanic or ground worker that is most certainly dating the young lady or interested in her which ingratiates you to noone.

I have an idea try this.............say........."excuse me, I am traveling to somewhere U.S.A., and was just curious if there was any way at all you could move me up to first. I know it is asking alot and am truly grateful for any help you could give me in the manner"..........this will get you a guaranteed truthful and kind answer regardless of what it is.

As far as degrading the job, which is the most thankless at any airline, of ticket/gate agent by flirting, lying, or being brash and hurtful, leave that crap at home and simply treat the agent as you would want to be treated and you will be suprised at the response you get.

I travel stand by (having girlfriend in Ca and me in Tx) all the time and, I realize I have the inside track, all the time and that is the best way to get an upgrade.


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 21, 2002
Thank you to everyone who applied. Fatdaddycool I will definitely try your approach and hope for the best. :)


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 21, 2002
fdc, appreciate your sentiments and will definitely give you a shout out if I'm ever in your neck of the woods. :)
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Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
fatdaddycool said:

As far as degrading the job, which is the most thankless at any airline, of ticket/gate agent by flirting, lying, or being brash and hurtful, leave that crap at home and simply treat the agent as you would want to be treated and you will be suprised at the response you get.

FDC et al.,

As a frequent flier that does not work for an airline. I have been on a plane every week for the last few years and let me tell ya when air travel was booming and every airline was making money the gate/ticket folks just treated you like s**t even if you were nice to them and this was even being the highest level of an airlines frequent flier program. After the economy went south, 9/11 etc. and travel declined I have noticed most of the airlines have changed their attitude toward their customers. I feel that what these folks tend to forget (and we all do @ times) is who pays their salary and customer service and air travel are two things that really never went together until the money started to decline. Just my .02, I should not complain because I cannot remember the last time I flew coach....but I also banked 70 round trips last year. BTW shoot me your cell number to my email addy, I will be in the MetroPlex next week and we need to do dinner again - on the company of course:D