yeh,I had it in early 90's.....will never fforget it. I went from sunny Fla to NY in February for my mom's funeral. The warmest it was for 10 straight days was zero, I never saw a plus reading. Folks were sick on the plane flight up there & actually, that is where I thnk I got it...........the enclosed cabin where everyone breaths the same grubby air. Anyway, I started with temps approaching 104 for 3-4 days. They were ready to take me to the hospital, but we have a nurse in the family and to break the fever, they threw me in a tub of ice water !! And, it's minus 10 degrees outside ! It worked, the fever started to drop. I finally somehow flew home after 7 days, where it lasted to some extent for the next 5-6 weeks. I felt terrible and just couldn't get my strength back. I coudn't even walk at full speed for 3 weeks. GL & take care, it's a dangerous thing. Hope you feel better soon and are not feeling anywhere as bad a I did. And also hope you aren't as reluctant to get some decent care as I was. I knew if I went to the hospital they wouldn't let me fly back home on time, so I stupidly fought it. As it turned out, I didn't get home until 3 days late anyway as snowstorms accompanied the freezing temps and flights were backed up for days.