Actually be prepared to lose what you put in and have this be one part of your overall investment portfolio.
But if you think that the real value on your coins > value of your holdings, then you stay in. If not, you get out
Investment? Nah, the few dimes I tossed at these crypto coins is just gambling money diverted from sports books.
As far as a "real value" goes regarding cryptocurrencies, I don't believe any of them have any more value than does a fiat currency.
Yes, you can do a bit of shopping with BTC now, but it's still converted into USD when you do so.
It's so early in this whole sector that everything could go to zero tomorrow and I wouldn't be the least bit shocked-- nor will i be shocked if one of more of my holdings gives me a 1000x winner.
These coins are nothing more than penny stocks in a different form.
Gamble with them at your own risk and be prepared to lose everything and it's all good.
Just was wondering what others felt about the current reduction in value of many of these coins.
To toss another question at the forum:
Anyone got a guess as to where the bottom is for these coins?
If anyone catches that bottom and they rocket back to new highs you're going to make some decent money ....:toast:
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