Anyone heard from Thor?


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 25, 2006
Just wondering if anyone has seen/heard from Thor? Looking forward to his Big-12 insight.


Rock Chalk
Forum Member
Dec 26, 2004
Lawrence, KS
I've given up sports gambling for the year, but I am flattered.

I work part-time for a newspaper in Kansas City and am also the Sports Administration beat for the University Daily Kansan ( maybe some of ya'all have unknowingly seen me... yahoosports picks up some of my articles ( so I no longer have time to handicap.

I was trolling through the site this morning because we have a picking competition at the paper (sadly not against the spread), and I wanted to see how many guys on here were on board with my only upset pick (Washington over Boise St.).

Anyhow, best of luck to everyone. I think I will start stopping by more often. I fully intend to win the campus-wide picking competition, and I will probably try to solicit some advice along the way.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 3, 2001
Kansas City
Good luck on your UDK and KC newspaper jobs Thor .... am a KU Journalism school grad myself and remember those fall Saturdays on the hill fondly .... actually I was there during the Mike Gottfried era in the 80's (yikes) .... will be back in Lawrence for a football game at some point in October .... have got a futures play on KU to go over 6 wins on the season so will be rooting for those Jayhawks from up here in Chicago ... as the other poster said would like to hear your Big 12 insight this season when you have time.

Franky Wright

Registered User
Forum Member
May 28, 2002
Heaven, oh!!, this isn't it?!
(sadly not against the spread), and I wanted to see how many guys on here were on board with my only upset pick (Washington over Boise St.).
I fully intend to win the campus-wide picking competition, and I will probably try to solicit some advice along the way.


Your stuff is an asset to this site:shrug: Doesn't mean you need to gamble :SIB
Thanks for all your contributions near and far :)



Rock Chalk
Forum Member
Dec 26, 2004
Lawrence, KS
Thanks guys.

Mo- No. The Basehor-Sentinel. Small paper, but I am the entire sports section.

Geno- I am happy that the team is at least slightly above average. Your bet is an absolute lock if you have it at 6, because there is no way they get less than that. I have them going 7-5, but who knows. They are beating up on some bad teams (Central Michigan shocked me in their putridity).

I will try to post if see anything of relevance in the Big 12 that ya'all oughtta know. Maybe I will make some recomendations on KU games, because Lord knows I will watch more of this team than anyone in the world except the coaching staff! :com:

Good luck this year, everyone.
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