I mostly agree with the suggestions already made. I've always had the frame of mind that if you can not pay your credit card in full every month, then you shouldn't be carrying one. To me, they are simply a convenience vehicle which allows me not to have to carry a big wad of cash around. If you do currently have a credit card then for God's sake, limit it to just one or two. If you've unfortunately maxed yours out, then for Pete's sake, don't make the same damn mistake with 3 or 4 others. Lots of folks have the type of mindset that if you have your debt spread out among lots of credit cards, then it makes things appear to be more manageable. As you know, there is no damn difference b/t having $10k on one card or $1k on 10 different credit cards.
But first things first, take a pair of scissors and cut that mutha fukka up and don't you dare get back in the same damn mess once you get your card cleared off. If you have somone that you know at your local bank, give them a call and tell them what kind of predicament you have gotten yourself into. Try and negotiate a % of money that you can borrow and use that money to pay off all your credit cards. This is a very good time to be taking such actions b/c short term interest rates are really really really low! You should be able to find a short term note for around 6-8%. It will sure beat the hell out of the 12-22% your credit card company will be charging you. This is essentially the same thing that these credit counseling programs are gonna do. If you don't have any acquaintances that work at a financial institution, then this particular program might work best for you. However, if you do have a contact, then do the steps above and save yourself some more money.
Good Luck, and it would be a very good idea to check out Dave Ramsey's book to avoid getting in this mess again.....