First of all, no Stubhub. Stubhub can suck it with all the fees they charge, but I have heard of people getting pretty good deals on tickets right before game time on other sites and I would go to a few more Pens playoff games if tickets weren't crazy expensive.
If you want to sit in the lower level tickets on Ticketmaster (not resell, just regular tickets) are over $200 each a game.
I'm usually around town on game days so I'd go to the game if I got a good price on a ticket and I've had people tell me they wait until half an hour before the game and get tickets on Seat Geek (I think) for much less than face value as people get desperate to sell at that point. While I have had some success with the "Who need two" crowd outside the arena I really don't like that route.
My question is how quick you get the ticket and are there certain sites that you can use your phone app to get scanned into the game? Obviously if at a bar in town I don't have a printer with me so I'd need electronic access. Is that an arena by arena thing or is it up to the reseller or is it random????
Anyone have any experience with this type of thing?
Thanks for any replies.
If you want to sit in the lower level tickets on Ticketmaster (not resell, just regular tickets) are over $200 each a game.
I'm usually around town on game days so I'd go to the game if I got a good price on a ticket and I've had people tell me they wait until half an hour before the game and get tickets on Seat Geek (I think) for much less than face value as people get desperate to sell at that point. While I have had some success with the "Who need two" crowd outside the arena I really don't like that route.
My question is how quick you get the ticket and are there certain sites that you can use your phone app to get scanned into the game? Obviously if at a bar in town I don't have a printer with me so I'd need electronic access. Is that an arena by arena thing or is it up to the reseller or is it random????
Anyone have any experience with this type of thing?
Thanks for any replies.