2009 Tennis Record
Parlay 7-6
Head to Head 25-18
Over/Under 0-0
Game Spread 4-7
Prop 0-1
+8.91 units
Ivan Ljubicic
Carla Suarez Navarro
Roberta Vinci
odds = $4.95 (+395)
The price on Ljubicic looks like a trap (+115), but guess I am going to fall for the trap
Got greedy and added Navarro and Vinci, but not really that greedy, both those chickies should win their matches.
Parlay 7-6
Head to Head 25-18
Over/Under 0-0
Game Spread 4-7
Prop 0-1
+8.91 units
Ivan Ljubicic
Carla Suarez Navarro
Roberta Vinci
odds = $4.95 (+395)
The price on Ljubicic looks like a trap (+115), but guess I am going to fall for the trap
Got greedy and added Navarro and Vinci, but not really that greedy, both those chickies should win their matches.