Are poll numbers all the liberals have? no plan? no ideas?

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Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
Why is it that you liberals are so obsessed with poll numbers everyday? Is that all you have?

Just curious?

What are the polls accomplishing?

How are they helping us in the war on terror?

Why does CBS take a poll where they poll a disproportionate amount of libs to conservatives?

What's the point?? We all know you liberals in here hate Bush, I'm just trying to figure out why you are so insecure with your own ideas that you need eachother's daily approval? You're like a bunch of whiney kids who ride the pine everyday. Bitch and moan...whine and cry...complain...sheesh NICE LIFE!!! :mj07:

Point is, if you are a liberal in today's world, you have nothing else. You have no plan, you have no ideas, you have no solutions, you have no leadership, you have no balls, you have no agenda, and you have no desire whatsoever to see Bush and America win the war on terror.

you know what.......stick to your polls....if that's all you have to cling onto then have at it. :142smilie


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Forum Member
Sep 27, 2005
Here's a plan for you, pull the fu*k out of Iraq, let them kill each other. This is what happens when you (Bush) don't have a plan. Already tens of thousands have died, what's a couple hundred thousand more? Bush should go on trial for the war too.


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Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
Spytheweb said:
Here's a plan for you, pull the fu*k out of Iraq, let them kill each other. This is what happens when you (Bush) don't have a plan. Already tens of thousands have died, what's a couple hundred thousand more? Bush should go on trial for the war too.


Hey Asshole Manson, what do you do when you are not in here sucking W's dick? Just out looking for things to post about while your hero ****s up the country?

ALL those polls can't be wrong, think about it for once.
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Nov 4, 2000
Who needs a plan we don't have one now. Just need some honest talk and the government out of our private lives.


Forum Member
Jul 5, 2000
Spytheweb said:
Here's a plan for you, pull the fu*k out of Iraq, let them kill each other. This is what happens when you (Bush) don't have a plan. Already tens of thousands have died, what's a couple hundred thousand more? Bush should go on trial for the war too.

Get a fukin grip. Classic example, no plan - all sentiment and guilt. Idiot!

Iraq is the plan, dumbass commie.
I'll admit, B


Forum Member
Jul 5, 2000
Spytheweb said:
Here's a plan for you, pull the fu*k out of Iraq, let them kill each other. This is what happens when you (Bush) don't have a plan. Already tens of thousands have died, what's a couple hundred thousand more? Bush should go on trial for the war too.

Get a fukin grip. Classic example, no plan - all sentiment and guilt. Idiot!

Iraq is the plan, dumbass commie.
I'll admit, Bush has no other plan than that. Everything else is crap. The plan should be bomb the chit out of the camels.

God, I can't stand these puff-idiots. You have no fukin clue of what the world is out there.
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Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
Point is, if you are a liberal in today's world, you have nothing else. You have no plan, you have no ideas, you have no solutions, you have no leadership, you have no balls, you have no agenda...
Are you serious? Liberals were put on this planet to clean up Conservative messes. In fact, Liberalism has accomplished FAR more than conservatism ever has or will. The nation you live in today, Charles, is the result of a series of successful liberal governmental programs that you enjoy the fruits of every day.

I know you already know all this stuff, but just to set the record straight, I'm going to lay it all out here, for those keeping score at home. Liberals brought you laws governing food safety, workplace safety, labor rights, product labeling, truth in advertising, and laws protecting the air you breathe and the water you drink (i.e., the environment). (Credit to Nixon for having the wisdom to sign the bill creating the EPA).

Liberal government is responsible for the GI Bill, the space program, the Peace Corps, National Weather Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, rural electrification, and brought us the Marshall Plan that rebuilt Europe after WWII.

That college you went to, Charles, may have been the product of liberal thought. Did it have a state name? If so, the college itself was created by a liberal program. In fact, universal public education, itself, is a product of liberal thought in the early 1800s.

Liberals gave us our greatest President: Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He pioneered the following successful liberal programs: The Tennessee Valley project, Bank Deposit Insurance, and the Works Progress Administration.

Liberalism spurred governmental investment in scientific research, public health, and the Internet (yes, that?s right, Al Gore helped push the project).

Now, if you have read this far, you are probably saying to yourself, ?But what have Liberals done for us lately?? Well, Clinton, who was a moderate liberal, became President in 1992, and enjoyed a Democratic Congress for two years, and worked with a Republican Congress for 6 years. During that time, he managed to get the following government programs passed: Family and Medical Leave Act (1993), the Brady Bill, Americans with Disabilities Act, HIPAA (Kennedy-Kassebaum), and a small minimum wage increases (a piddling $5.15 (1997)). That would never have happened if it were left to the Conservatives.

Liberals have been the only folks that have ever TRIED to do anything about terrible human problems like personal health care, poverty, racial inequality, and ignorance. They would have gotten even more accomplished if not for Conservative resistance.

But don't count me a Conservative hater. This nation would not be nearly as strong or great without Conservative input and contribution. We need each other to make democracy work. The problems in Iraq will not be solved except with Liberals working with Conservatives to chart the course.

So the next time you swing in here to lay down some sorry rap about how Liberals are wimpy and ineffectual, just remember my words: SCORE BOARD, BABY!


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Nice post, JYD. It's so easy to say the same crap over and over again. Charles, et al, keep saying that only the liberals have no plan and only complain. Does it make any sense at all that one half of the belief system in America contains no ideas? That half of Americans have no ideas and have no plan? All of the legislation proposed by democrats that was either passed or discussed and voted on does not count?

It's convenient for conservative supporters to say liberals have no plan, and then when they propose something that goes against the current administration themes, then they are just complaining. The current style is to try to frame an issue and then anything that doesn't fit in that constructed frame is out of bounds, wrong, whiny, complaining.

Nice to see your post, which is very well done.
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