ARE you fukin kidding me this cant be real


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
something not right about the article. i'm guessing the passengers booed at the delay announcement without having a clue as to why. article is likely pretty misleading. :shrug:


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
So the Dad's lying?

no but the article doesn't make any sense

The assholes in first class probably saw this family boarding the plane and booed them because they were the supposedly the cause of the delay, without having a clue as to the reason. It's the only thing that makes any sense.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
from another article on this incident...

"Perry said he does not know if the passengers from Sacramento knew there was a Gold Star family on board, nor does he know if there was a similar reaction from people sitting in coach."

that begins to make more sense.


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
MORE here about this people yahoo users chimed in

MORE here about this people yahoo users chimed in

Read these comments IT was total disrespect from 1 st class passengers they knew exactly why and who was causing delay.

STOCKTON, Calif. (AP) ? The father of a California soldier recently killed in Afghanistan says he felt disrespected and hurt by passengers who booed him and his family when they were on a flight to meet his son's remains.

Stewart Perry, his wife and daughter were on an American Airlines flight Monday from Sacramento to Philadelphia with a transfer in Phoenix to receive the remains of his son, Sgt. John Perry, of Stockton, when the flight was delayed, the Stockton Record ( reported Saturday.

Perry, an ex-Marine who lives in Stockton, said the flight to Phoenix was 45 minutes late and the crew, fearing the Gold Star family could miss their connecting flight, made an announcement for passengers to remain seated to let a "special military family" deplane first.

Perry said several passengers in first class booed, complaining that it was "baloney" and that they paid first-class fares. He said he doesn't know if the passengers from Sacramento knew there was a Gold Star family on board or whether people sitting in the coach section complained.

"It was just disgusting behavior from people in first class; it was terrible to see," Perry said.

Perry, 30, and another American soldier died of injuries inflicted by an improvised explosive device Nov. 12 inside Bagram Airfield.

The husband and father of two young children died a hero, his father said.

"He made a decision that saved a lot of people," he said. "I was told that he was found protecting a female soldier. . He didn't get to live a full life, but he lived."


Der Fuhrer Trump 12 hours ago

' Perry says several passengers in first class booed, complaining that it was "baloney" and that they paid first-class fares.' Typical wealthy American compassion for dead soldiers. Money talks and compassion walks.
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Reply 2430

No One 10 hours ago

@DerFuhrerTrump, Actually most of people who seated in first class are free loaders who work for Corporate America traveling on their dimes. If they would have to paid their own way they would be in coach.
BC 2 hours ago

James B - As a Vietnam Vet and Retired Marine, I too was spit on at San Francisco when I returned home. I think that the same idiots that are causing problems on our streets now are probably the children and grandchildren of the same hippies that spit on us then. They have no respect for the military but yet enjoy the freedom of America without knowing how we got here.
Brian 11 hours ago

Money doesn't buy people hearts, apparently!
Karen 11 hours ago

Yes, jean--I do remember 'Nam. And I remember that Donald Trump had FIVE military deferments--four for college, one for "bad feet" (the "bump on his toe").
barbara d 11 hours ago

We don't know what reason they were given so you can't assume it was disrespect for a fallen service member. But pretty low class behavior for sure.
PatsyB 4 hours ago

Obviously, passengers in First Class are not necessarily first-class passengers.
Ohyeah 10 hours ago

Oh but Terri, it was TRUMP who belittled and said awful things about a Gold Star family.
David 10 hours ago

The wealthy NEED stupid soldiers to volunteer so their profits will keep rolling in. These wars of course have NOTHING to do with defense, just profits. Sadly, money is what is running these wars, not actual threats to America.
alecia 3 hours ago

Everyone is missing the point. Why should a reason have to be given so that the other passengers are ok with it? This is what the attendants said so deal with it like adults. I'm sure it didn't take forever for the military family to go first. This was just very childish behavior, I mean really little kids do this stuff. Me first, no me!
DIANE G 5 hours ago

Mr Der Fuhrer I am using My wife's Log in for this Because I could notlet it be said that all Rich are like these type People I was in the Airport of St Louses while going home on Convalescent leave from the Army I had never been in war or had Killed anyone I had a cast on my leg and on Crutches but in Uniform a Group came up and started calling me a Baby Killer and saying I was Scum for being in the Army. a Business man came to my rescue and Told the Group you wanna Jump somebody try Me for size I can fight back He was a Marine and Once a Marine always one and was very wealthy I found out Later. He took My coach to the Counter and Told them This Man is My Brother and will be exchanging His Ticket for first Class they told Him that is Fine Mr Bertel

They knew Him by name wow I thought , He told them on the fight charge everything He needs to me and they told Him it will be done.Then Before My Flight was to take Off he took me into one of the fanciest Restaurants I had ever Been in and told me the Menu was Mine to choose from I was ordering a Burger when He told Me I said anything on the Menu when we were done with a teak He signed the Bill and left a $50 for the tip and we left

He didn't even have to pay the Bill who is this Guy I thought? He had a Company that made oil; and Piping for water Lines Nothing under 3ft lines Not all of the rich are snobs Some are just Lucky enough to Know where they came from He started out as a Line worker and worked His way up I was to find out.

Sold the Company He work at as a Gopher to begin with and Bought the Company He owned at that time He emplyed over 500 workers and I bet if you said a bad word at His Company about Him you would have to fight all 500 of His employees .

I read a story about him later in a Magazine and remembered His face He was a the time He and I met He paid His employees the Highest Pay in His Business and gave them all the best Fringe Benefits as well You see there are still those who are Rich and still are Just normal acting People as well.

I condem no one who has worked for what they have and Became Rich He showed Me what was honorable to do in that Airport and Yes even though he was a Marine and I was Army He will always be my Brother if only as a Veteran in Arms Brother. I know of many here in my City who are Rich but just like the Man at a Airport wentr Beyond what was expected to help another person in need.

Jomama 12 hours ago

Support our troops - until you infringe on my first-class privileges! No wonder America is rapidly going down the toilet!
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Reply 2239

Richard Weed 12 hours ago

People who sit in first class are generally selfish pricks anyway, so not surprising in any way...
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Reply 2025

Gary 12 hours ago

Talk about elitists. Republican or democrat, this kind of behavior is a new low of behavior.
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Reply 1592

JamesB 11 hours ago

As a Vietnam vet brings back memories of long ago only they spit on us
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Reply 1546

Tony 12 hours ago

Anybody know any first class passengers on Flight 1467 out of Sacramento last Monday? If so please express my feeling of contempt for them.
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Reply 1121

dave 11 hours ago

Reading these comments is disheartening. Our society has turned any and every event into a political subject. Bottom line is no matter what your political affiliation is, these "first class" passengers booing an American hero who fought to save their very lives, should be ashamed of themselves. As our society has bred, total lack of respect for anyone except themselves, sad.
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Reply 980

Duane 11 hours ago

This has nothing to do about Democrats and Republicans. The reason is that we have become an "it's all about me" society. I really feel it is this attitude that will result in the downfall of democracy.
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Reply 497

wild willy 12 hours ago

Thanks largely to Trump, common decency is dead. We demand respect from others, but feel no obligation to respect others in turn. The Golden Rule - is dead.
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Reply 427

Peacetoyou 12 hours ago

This is what we have become....entitled, selfish, self absorbed babies who only think about themselves...I see it everywhere.
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Reply 496


Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
Stewart Perry, his wife and daughter were on an American Airlines flight Monday from Sacramento to Philadelphia with a transfer in Phoenix to receive the remains of his son, Sgt. John Perry, of Stockton, when the flight was delayed, the Stockton Record ( reported Saturday.

What a surprise that a plane of people going to Philadelphia gets a case of the boos. Isn't that what your town is known for? :0corn:mj07:
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