Arm wrestling
Write-up and analysis
Odds: Gatorbait-230
Gatorbait versus djv
Elbows on the table, palm against palm, fingers clenched, venomous stares...Some say this is a contest between Gatorbait's arm strength versus djv's accumulation of barley, malt, hops and encouragement from his drunken buddies.
The starter shouts, "Go !!"
Within seconds, djv's knuckles are a mere 2 inches from the table surface. His teeth are clenched, it don't look promising but he's giving it all he got. Djv's drunken buddies are sayin', "Holy chit, I thought he'd do better than this." In a last ditch effort to save himself from total embarrassment, djv grunts for all he's worth. Then......the unexpected happens!....A horribly foul odor fills the room. djv's buddies are mumbling amongst themselves, "D'ju chit yourself?"
Nope. They didn't.
But, djv did.
Gatorbait, once within centimeters of a obvious victory, is now beginning to relent. His eyes are watering and his face has turned pale. The foul, poisonous odor coming from djv's shorts has overpowered all of Gator's strength and killer instinct.
The audience has fled.
The referee ran out the door shouting, "I don't care who wins."
Djv's trickery has reversed the momentum. With Gator gasping for air and his eyes rolled back in his head, djv slams his hand on the table and shouts, "I win."
Play: djv ML
Write-up and analysis
Odds: Gatorbait-230
Gatorbait versus djv
Elbows on the table, palm against palm, fingers clenched, venomous stares...Some say this is a contest between Gatorbait's arm strength versus djv's accumulation of barley, malt, hops and encouragement from his drunken buddies.
The starter shouts, "Go !!"
Within seconds, djv's knuckles are a mere 2 inches from the table surface. His teeth are clenched, it don't look promising but he's giving it all he got. Djv's drunken buddies are sayin', "Holy chit, I thought he'd do better than this." In a last ditch effort to save himself from total embarrassment, djv grunts for all he's worth. Then......the unexpected happens!....A horribly foul odor fills the room. djv's buddies are mumbling amongst themselves, "D'ju chit yourself?"
Nope. They didn't.
But, djv did.
Gatorbait, once within centimeters of a obvious victory, is now beginning to relent. His eyes are watering and his face has turned pale. The foul, poisonous odor coming from djv's shorts has overpowered all of Gator's strength and killer instinct.
The audience has fled.
The referee ran out the door shouting, "I don't care who wins."
Djv's trickery has reversed the momentum. With Gator gasping for air and his eyes rolled back in his head, djv slams his hand on the table and shouts, "I win."
Play: djv ML