"Assault In The Ring" Billy Collins Tragedy

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Forum Member
Apr 6, 2007
Just got done watching the HBO documentary. It's a MUST see for boxing fans and especially those that wager on the sport. To say that boxing is a shady sport would be the understatement of the century. This was also a tragedy of Luis Resto, who appears to be finally coming to terms with the consequences of his actions back in 83. The documentary sheds a bit of light on the actions of Panama Lewis including the concoction that he gave to Aaron Pryor in his epic fight with Arguello. It plays out like a Hollywood movie yet this was the real deal. I highly reccommend it!
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
just noticed it`s included in my "on demand" cable service.....and i can pull it up anytime....

/weasel struttin`:walk:

/but thanks for the kind gesture,pardner....much appreciated...:thumb:


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Forum Member
Jun 3, 2008
800 Mb

I'm not buying the main plot in this doc, it was clearly made to trigger the sentimental fibre, ala Michael Moore .

But the good part is it shows without any artifices the real different motives driving each participant in the sport .

About Collins fate, it is a known fact high level athlethes miss the sport the same as junkies miss their drugs; during strenuous exercice endorphines are secreted and stimulate the brain causing a "high" similar to drugs induced ones.
There lies the main cause for Collin's accident.

PS: is there a coincidence Lewis trained Zab ?

frank s.

Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 11, 2004
I remember this a tad, but thanx paulie for the 411 and it was a nightmare of a story. Why a movie was never made of this I don't know. Brutal.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
far as i remember,the fight ended collins` career and his life spiralled downward from there...

gonna try and watch it today...

one can only hope that a suitable fate awaits the despicable lewis...


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 6, 2007
far as i remember,the fight ended collins` career and his life spiralled downward from there...

gonna try and watch it today...

one can only hope that a suitable fate awaits the despicable lewis...

The guy just oozes bullsht from every pore in his fat ass body...every single word that spews out of his mouth. He truly is a despicable excuse of a human being. Lewis calls resto "my son my son my son, I love you like my son" blah blah blah and then the fcker turns around and laughs about Resto to the guy in the bar. Resto will live with it every day for the rest of his life. Lewis basically walked away and is still allowed to train world class fighters. I'm convinced Lewis didn't stop his cheating ways on the night of the Collins fight. I'd like to see the list of fighters who have trained under him since the fight. What a surprise that Zab is on that list.
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