2011 Tennis Record
Parlay 23-47
Head to Head 44-56
Over/Under 2-4
Game Spread 11-18
Prop 3-2
Futures 0-7
+5.13 units
Benoit Paire beat Nikola Ciric
Jan Hajek beat Steve Darcis
odds = $3.61 (+261) *1 unit
Note......the two matches above are from the San Marino CEPU Open. That tournament is a CHALLENGER tourney.
Parlay 23-47
Head to Head 44-56
Over/Under 2-4
Game Spread 11-18
Prop 3-2
Futures 0-7
+5.13 units
Benoit Paire beat Nikola Ciric
Jan Hajek beat Steve Darcis
odds = $3.61 (+261) *1 unit
Note......the two matches above are from the San Marino CEPU Open. That tournament is a CHALLENGER tourney.