2008 Tennis Record
Parlay 9-11
Head to Head 48-55
Over/Under 3-1
Game Spread 6-3
Prop 2-6
+2.14 units
Nicole Vaidisova beat Alize Cornet $2.55 *2 units :firing: :firing: :firing:
Nicole Vaidisova lost a tough match to Alize Cornet last week, she'll bounce back this week. Odds are very good on Nicole, yes Cornet should be the fav, but not by this much :dizzy:
So madjackers take the nice price on Vaidisova...just do it.....:hitwithro
Parlay 9-11
Head to Head 48-55
Over/Under 3-1
Game Spread 6-3
Prop 2-6
+2.14 units
Nicole Vaidisova beat Alize Cornet $2.55 *2 units :firing: :firing: :firing:
Nicole Vaidisova lost a tough match to Alize Cornet last week, she'll bounce back this week. Odds are very good on Nicole, yes Cornet should be the fav, but not by this much :dizzy:
So madjackers take the nice price on Vaidisova...just do it.....:hitwithro