2023 Tennis Record
Parlay 5-27
Head to Head 72-75
Over/Under 4-4
Game Spread 26-27
Prop 36-40
Futures 1-1
+22.63 units
Mitchell Krueger beat Pavel Kotov $2.10 (+110) *1 unit
Dominik Koepfer to win in straight sets against Constant Lestienne $2.50 (+150) *1 unit
Marc-Andrea Huesler beat Richard Gasquet $2.00 (+100) *1 unit
Quentin Halys -4.5 games beat Facundo Diaz Acosta $2.20 (+120) *1 unit
Parlay 5-27
Head to Head 72-75
Over/Under 4-4
Game Spread 26-27
Prop 36-40
Futures 1-1
+22.63 units
Mitchell Krueger beat Pavel Kotov $2.10 (+110) *1 unit
Dominik Koepfer to win in straight sets against Constant Lestienne $2.50 (+150) *1 unit
Marc-Andrea Huesler beat Richard Gasquet $2.00 (+100) *1 unit
Quentin Halys -4.5 games beat Facundo Diaz Acosta $2.20 (+120) *1 unit