Auto Insurance Question


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Sep 7, 2004
San Diego
my mother in law was involved in an accident a couple of weeks ago caused by the other driver. The other driver already admitted to being at fault and there were other witnesses but we havent been able to get any assitance from the other drivers insurance as far as getting the damage on her car fixed or replacement vehicle. I'm sure they will take care of the damages on the vehicle but have been giving us the run around but was wondering if they are suppose to pay for a rental car for my mother in law to drive in the meantime? The other drivers insurance said she needs to report it to her insurance and get a car from them. anyone? :shrug:


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Forum Member
Jan 7, 2003
Yep..the other persons insurance should be paying the rental. I would not let your ins pay for anything.

Here is what happened to me..I totalled the wifes explorer. It was the other drivers fault. I was getting the run around so I informed my ins and they paid for the vehicle and the rental. They said they would just collect from the other persons insurance. It made sense to me at the time..let the 2 big companies fight it out.

My insurance came due a few months later and they jacked up my rates because they said I made a claim. I argued for weeks with them over this. When I went to switch companies..every one that did a check quoted me the more expensive rate because of the so called claim. I had to pay higher ins for 3 years because of this.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
yep, bubbas is correct!! Don't report it to your company if the police report says it's the other driver's fault, or you might be in for a fockin'! If you have been in contact with the other driver's insurance, keep on them until they pony up some money. This happened to me recently, and that's how I handled it. I was fortunate, however, because my car was still drivable.


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Jan 9, 2003
Man I would like to hear from others about the so called car insurance sham. It just feels like it doesnt matter in every accident or ticket. No matter if its below 10 or if somebody elses fault, always the points are on the individual maybe its just my bad luck but insurance for my beamer has sky rocketed coz of these, they even take into account past 5 years of history.
It would be great to know find from other peoples experience

no pepper

Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
St. Louis
SixFive said:
yep, bubbas is correct!! Don't report it to your company if the police report says it's the other driver's fault, or you might be in for a fockin'!

The police report is the key. Since the other driver admitted guilt it needs to be recorded by the cops to hold up. If there is no police report she must get her insurance company involved.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
no pepper said:
The police report is the key. Since the other driver admitted guilt it needs to be recorded by the cops to hold up. If there is no police report she must get her insurance company involved.

agree, but surely there is a police report with all the damage.

no pepper

Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
St. Louis
I made the mistake of not getting a police report when a guy backed into me in a parking garage. It was after a cardinal game and we had both had a few, and he says, "Its clearly my fault." Then his wife gets out and says to him, "Dumbass, it's clearly your fault."

My insurance company records my story on tape and make a big deal out of it -- the recording of the call -- asking me for consent to record the call. Well this guy lies on his version and says I rear ended him. It is almost two years and still in "subrogation" every time I call insurance people.

So, yeah. The police report is key. The witnesses don't seem to matter. At least in my case.

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
nagrawa said:
Man I would like to hear from others about the so called car insurance sham. It just feels like it doesnt matter in every accident or ticket. No matter if its below 10 or if somebody elses fault, always the points are on the individual maybe its just my bad luck but insurance for my beamer has sky rocketed coz of these, they even take into account past 5 years of history.
It would be great to know find from other peoples experience

What you want to know, I can help


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Agent 0659 said:
What you want to know, I can help

How long does an accident stay on your "record" if it's your fault?

How about if it is NOT your fault, but you report it to your agent, and $0 is paid by your insurance?

How long is a speeding ticket kept on your "record"?

I have a friend who called her agent after a storm and said she thought her house had been struck by lightning (lights went out, she heard a big lound band, etc.). She said she called trying to be on top of the situation, but she didn't know the extent of the damage yet. Turns out there was no damage from the storm, and she didn't have to call the agent back. However, she started getting quotes from other insurors the next year, and they were quoting her higher rates because her agent had reported her call as a claim with $0 paid out. How is that right?

I have a friend who finished training and has his own agency now (started last October). He has told me some things that were quite enlightening on what some insurance companies do.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 7, 2004
San Diego
thanks. Appreciate the advice and comments.
I've tried a number of times to get some answers from the other drivers agent and I keep getting the same run around. They are even going as far as saying that their insured has not admitted to being at fault and they have to wait to get the other drivers side of the story, this is even after I told them it's on the police report and they said it's probably going to take a few weeks before they get a copy of the report, meanwhile my mother in law has no way of getting around.

I'm hessitant to get a lawyer because my brother got screwed when he was in a similar situation a few years back after spending months on the case after the insurance company settled and the lawyers fees and Dr.'s fees were paid there was nothing left for him.

Is it best to threaten them of the possibility of getting a lawyer if we don't get a car rental soon or do we just have to wait it out?
My Mother in law is great but I can only take so much of this driving her around crap. :)


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Forum Member
Feb 19, 2003
I know your mother in law actually feels like she is getting the run around but she is not.

The police were not there at the scene - they do their own investigation based on the facts they obtain there on the spot. A police report is nothing more than a tool that is used. Insurance companies are not emplyed by the police department and everyday do not use the police's investigation as a determining factor. Coverage and loss facts have to be invesitgated independently. Does an adjuster like to use the police report as a tool - certainly. But it is not the basis of the final decision.

A police report is designed to determine what laws were broken. Insurance companies determine who was negligent or were both parties to some degree negligent. So it depends on the insurance laws in your mother in laws state which is?

In terms of an attorney - I would advise absolutely no - first of all not many atty's will take a property damage only claim. Furthermore, why give someone 1/3 of your potential money that you could possibly get yourself.

I would file it under my collision - let my insurance subrogate. (PERIOD)


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Forum Member
Jan 9, 2003
SoCalYo said:
thanks. Appreciate the advice and comments.
I've tried a number of times to get some answers from the other drivers agent and I keep getting the same run around. They are even going as far as saying that their insured has not admitted to being at fault and they have to wait to get the other drivers side of the story, this is even after I told them it's on the police report and they said it's probably going to take a few weeks before they get a copy of the report, meanwhile my mother in law has no way of getting around.

I'm hessitant to get a lawyer because my brother got screwed when he was in a similar situation a few years back after spending months on the case after the insurance company settled and the lawyers fees and Dr.'s fees were paid there was nothing left for him.

Is it best to threaten them of the possibility of getting a lawyer if we don't get a car rental soon or do we just have to wait it out?
My Mother in law is great but I can only take so much of this driving her around crap. :)

I have the same questions + Is it true that there are no points assesed for a comprehensive claim and what is covered undere comprehensive?


el hombre!
Forum Member
Dec 28, 2004
Marietta, GA
SoCalYo said:
I've tried a number of times to get some answers from the other drivers agent and I keep getting the same run around.

Are you dealing with an adjuster or the customer service dept. of the other insurance company?

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
SixFive said:
How long does an accident stay on your "record" if it's your fault?

How about if it is NOT your fault, but you report it to your agent, and $0 is paid by your insurance?

How long is a speeding ticket kept on your "record"?

I have a friend who called her agent after a storm and said she thought her house had been struck by lightning (lights went out, she heard a big lound band, etc.). She said she called trying to be on top of the situation, but she didn't know the extent of the damage yet. Turns out there was no damage from the storm, and she didn't have to call the agent back. However, she started getting quotes from other insurors the next year, and they were quoting her higher rates because her agent had reported her call as a claim with $0 paid out. How is that right?

I have a friend who finished training and has his own agency now (started last October). He has told me some things that were quite enlightening on what some insurance companies do.

Sorry it took me so long 6-5
For MOST companies an at fault accident will count against you for 5 years. I'm an independent agent and I have about 80 different companies I can shop for Auto, Home, Life, Health. All companies are different. Some use 3, 5, or I even have a few who look at occurences for 7. However I have a company that if your Insurance(credit) Score is high enough they dont even consider claims or driving record. Even DUIs :scared
Speeding tickets are almost universally 3 years against you but with some companies if its the only occurence it can be forgiven. Non pointables dont hurt you like seat belt violations. Most companies consider 25 or more over the posted speed limit a major violation just like a DUI. Not many people will write you if you have a MAJOR and they count for 5 years not three.
In regards with what happened with your friend on the claim, some companies will put that on your record if you call in and ask questions. Its a BS ploy to keep business if you ask me because they know you will get dinged if shopping. Howeve if it shows on the C.L.U.E report it paid 0 I can get it waived in most cicumstances. This is where your agent plays a HUGE role. I always tell my insureds to call me first in these type deals. Let me do some researching so they dont get dinged. Also a misconception alot of people have is that their agent is screwing them :mj07: Insurance doesnt work that way. I cant sell you a $500.00 policy for $600.00 and keep the mark up. You plug the numbers into the underwriting holes and it costs what it costs. If I charge you too much you get a refund and if not enough you get a bill. Thats it. There is no mark up n this business. At least not by the agent. I dont hold a very high opinion of ALOT of companies in this industry. My Dad is a body shop owner and is a direct repair for about 20 different carriers. He keeps me informed as to who is on the up and up and who isnt in the claims part. I feel I work for my clients, not the carriers and my job is to protect them. So for the most part they all love me :)


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Forum Member
Sep 7, 2004
San Diego
more advice needed regarding this incident...
The insurance company we are dealing with are really trying to make things as inconvenient and uncornfortable as possible so that they can get out of or pay minimal damages for my mom's car. They even called her yesterday trying to intimidate her saying that the other driver who had previously admitted to being at fault is now saying that it was my mom's fault and they would be paying out nothing. They wanted to re-record her statement of what happened probably trying to get her to change her story and my mom refused and told them she was in the process of getting a lawyer and they could now deal with him. Four hours later an adjuster comes over to take a look at the car and says that the car is considered a "total loss" and gives her a copy of something with what appears to be an itemized sheet of the damages. I'm assuming that this is what they are willing to pay for the damages but they have not said.

My question is, since it's been three weeks and they never paid for a rental car and it has inconvenienced mom and others to drive her around, can one ask for more $ (without trying to take advantage of the incident), if so, how does one put a $ amount on this? Just trying to get by without getting a lawyer. Thanks


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
socal, when the driver that caused my wreck persisted in lying about how it happened, his company contacted me and requested a phoned/taped interview. No problem for me, and I was paid shortly after this. Even though the police report might be pretty clear cut, if one person says it's not his fault, they do this sort of thing.

Please post the insurance company that is giving your mom the runaround. That's good information to know and somebody to stay away from especially if your mom feels intimidated. That's terrible!

danmurphy jr

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Forum Member
Sep 14, 2004
In Collyfawnya, you exchange insurance info and drivers license and you are done! If neither policyholder has Rental coverage, forget it. It is not your responsibility to contact the other insurer, secure a lawyer or anything else, assuming you are not at fault and have no personal injury. Also in Collyfawnya, your Insurer can not raise your premium if they don't have to pay. Take that to the bank.
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